chapter 1

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Night sea view

Waves were making noise with the air and sky was black with the stars everywhere .......
There was silence everywhere except the waves sound ......
An old building located near the sear peak
It was an old building but it was a house of many kids .....
A light came from the building window looks like someone is still awake
70year old man came slowly to his study table and turn on his lamp and sit on chair , he hold a pen with his old shrinking hand and open his dairy to write something
His life experience was obvious from his face he saw many things in his life and he knows the ups and down of life he looked like an old wise man
Suddenly he hear some whispering noises coming from his door outside
He softly smile
"You can come in kids" old mam said with a soft tone and closed his dairy
Kids just rush in the room like they were just waiting for the permission to came in .
"So kids you are still awake its not good you should sleep on time" the old man said with polite tone
"Grandpa we want you to tell us a story" A little girl said with her innocent voice
"Ah so you are here for a story but I don't have any stories to tell you today" old man said with innocent face
"But grandpa we want to hear one please don't break our heart" another little girl said with soft voice
"Don't bother him if grandpa's don't want to tell we can hear it some other time you can take rest grandpa" a little boy said while ignoring the little girl request .
"You don't interfere its between us and grandpa he will tell us a story" little girl said while teasing the little boy
"Ahh kids don't argue its not good I will tell you a story tell me what you want to hear?" the old man said
"Tell us Cinderella story or snow white story" another little girl said with innocent voice
"No grandpa tell us a ghost story" little boy said ignoring the girls
"Stop I'm not going to tell you a Cinderella story and I'm too scared of ghost so I don't know any ghost story"
Grandpa said with smile
"Ahh so it's mean you are not going to tell us a story" the boy said and all kids became sad
"I will but I will tell you a real story of someone I know maybe you kids will enjoy it and take a lesson from it I never told this story to anyone but today I feel like I have to share it" grandpa said
"Yahoo we will listen" kids said with happiness

"Okay its a story of a boy I know"

"A lazy boy who was not very fast in work he was always late in every way of his life , His parents abandoned him when he was a kid so he lived in an orphanage there he met two kids jack and Hana , Jack and Hana became very close to him , Jack was his best friend and Hana was his first love"
In the age of 14 they escaped from the orphanage to do something in life but they failed in every work they do sometimes they sleep on streets and sometime they Steal money form someone pocket just to stay alive .
The boy name was Kim taehyung and his dream was to became a singer and be with Hana his first love , And Hana always wanted to be rich and stylish and she wants taehyung to fulfill his dream And jack was the intelligent from both of them and he was the crime partner with taehyung .
The three of them became Con's they were conning people to get their benefits , they grow with doing this all the time with different people
But their luck wasn't with them all the time
They didn't find anyone to con and people became careful so their work failed again, So Hana started doing a job in a cafe but she always peek the high class girls who comes to the cafe and she wished to be like them ,Jack was working in a bar but his income was so low , And tae was still doing nothing depending on Hana and Jack .
"Tae wakeup you idiot" Hana yell on tae in the Morning
"What happened why are you yelling so early in the Morning" tae asked her in his mid sleep
"You didn't pay the electricity right?" bill Hana yell
"Ah I forgot" tae said with careless tone
"What the hell is wrong with you they cut the electricity how will I go to work I want to press my uniform" she yell
"Ah stop yelling on me I will pay it today don't worry"
"Listen tae I gave you money for bills and you spend them on your stupid gambling stuff if you it again did this time I will not forgive you" she said with anger
"Ahh I said I will pay it today" tae yell and slept again on his broken bed

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