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Author's focus

Relieved. Taehyung was finally relieved. Relieved that he would tell Jeongguk about his actual feelings about him. He was cursing at himself when he made the younger think that he doesn't like him romantically.

But now, he would ask him to be his. He was finally ready to do it. He didn't care about the consequences. All he cared about at the moment, was him. That young boy.

He woke up some minutes ago and while being still on his bed he started thinking about today's party.

How would he propose to Jungkook?

He thought it would be lame to just ask him. Taehyung likes fancy things if you already haven't noticed while the other male likes simple but romantic stuff.

He thought of writing the words "Be Mine?" with flower pedals but eh, well, it wasn't his party. He would ask his friend Hansol for permission -he and his family was the party hosts- but his parents hate Taehyung because he is a lot more famous than they are so that wasn't an option anymore.

He then remembered that Hoseok would help him with that since he is an expert in those things. So asking him for help was the case. Being relieved, he got up from the comfort of his bed and went to do his morning routine.

~Magical Time Skip~  (since you love it hahah♥)

"Yes Hoseok sunshine the 3rd I am in terrible need of your services."

"I am gonna show up in 5. Also, stop chewing too freaking loud for god's sake Taehyung!"

"You better hyung. Bye." And without hearing his hyung's mesmerizing and angelic voi- Okay okay I got carried away, excuse me. Anyways, my point is that he hung up the call.

Taehyung quickly finished his breakfast after he made sure he ate the plate clean. Just when he finished washing the dishes (oooh damn that's hot- okay I'll stop) he heard the sound of his doorbell. He shouted a "Coming." and went to the door in the speed of the lightning.

He opened the door revealing a smiling Hoseok saying "I have the best plan.". At this point Taehyung got scared since his hyung was smiling as if he was possessed from an evil spirit outside of this world but he let him in anyways, only because of Jeongguk though.


They are currently discussing about the get-kookie-to-say-yes plan for about two hours or maybe more now.

"...but the point is I like you Jeongguk."

"Damn I didn't thought it would take us two hours to write that." Hoseok said acting all dramatic.

"Excuse you but I just wanted it to be perfect hyung. I just hope he likes it and say yes."

"Trust me, he is gonna love it Taehyung-ah. Just don't forget to do the other things I told you."

"Yes, yes I will, don't worry hyung everything is under control now."

"Okay then I'm leaving. Yoongi needs a ride."

"I am not going to buy him another car for the 5th time just bec-" 

"He said that he will buy it with his own money this time Tae."

"But he is saying that every time hyung. I am not wasting money for a fucking FERRARI that HE will CRASH in like, 5 MONTHS."

"Oh shut up, be thankful he didn't got hurt! Anyways, bye TaeTae I hope your plan works just fine!!"

"Oh trust me, it will." Said Taehyung as a whisper while hearing the sound of the door closing. He had to finish some other "chores" about the whole get-kookie-to-say-yes plan as he would like to call them. After he was satisfied enough with how they had turned out, he called Hansol to let him know what he was planning on doing and of course, to get his permission.

After he did all of the above, he decided to stay in and do nothing, since it was one of the days with no photoshoots planned at all, and wait for the party.

He could ask Jeongguk to come over but, that would ruin the plan because Taehyung knew he couldn't wait to make him his.


Finally :) I love you all sooooooooooooo much! Thank you for supporting my other book, you guys give my writing a meaning so again, thank you for that.♥♥♥

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