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Jeongguk's focus

If I find him I swear to god I'll kill him with my own hands. He left me here all alone and the only person I know is hmm let me think, that's right Taehyung. He has been gone for the past half an hour and I'm walking around the mansion full of drunk people.

I could just call him but I don't wanna seem too depended on him. I can have fun on my own! I can do this, I'll go talk with someone!

Author's focus

Currently, Jeongguk was looking desparately at his phone praying with everything in him that he will receive a call or a message from Taehyung while he was trying to keep up with a stranger's stories.

"...and that's how I was able to get the job." Said the unknown to Jeongguk male. To be honest, he had introduced himself to the younger, but Jeongguk was to busy thinking why his hyung left him all alone so he wasn't really paying attention to the male next to him.

"Uh quite interesting story." He said with a sigh while checking his phone again. Nothing.

"Jeongguk dude you're spacing out, what's wrong?"

"I'm waiting for a call..."

"Is the person who is supposed to call you, here?"

"Yes." Again, another sigh.

"Let's go then! I'll give you a tour of the place and probably we will find who you are looking for!"

"A tour? I don't know... They might come back for me here...If I leave-"

"Oh shush we'll go find who you're looking for. C'mon Ggukie!" And suddently Jeongguk was dragged through the croud of people.

"Thank you uh.."

"Yugyeom, in case you forgot, my name's Yugyeom." He said with a smile.

"Thank you Yugyeom!" He smiled back.


"Yugyeomie how do you know this place?" Said Jeongguk tired of walking around, but continued doing so nonetheless. Honestly he felt like he was trapped inside a maze with no exit. No kidding, the place was huge.

"Hansol happens to be a good friend of mine, so I visit often!"

Silence. They were on this for about half an hour now. Where could Taehyung be? Is he with someone and forgot about me? Should I call him instead? Jeongguk was drowing in his thoughts, something the male next to him noticed.

"Jeongguk who are you looking for?"

"I uh- It's- Noone.."

"I promise I won't tell anyone if that's what you are worrying about." Yugyeom said and sent a wink to the male walking next to him.

"Kim Taehyung. I'm looking for Kim Taehyung."

"THE Kim Taehyung? Do you two know each other?"

"Uh yeah, we came here together and he said he had to leave to do some business and never really came back.." He said with a frown.

"Why don't you call him?"

"I don't wanna seem like I can't have fun on my own Yugyeomie!"

"I guess you're right.." He paused to put his arm around Jeongguk's shoulder, being closer than before and continued. "..but I'm here for you!"

Jeongguk didn't reply, instead he looked the other in the eyes and smiled. The other returned the smile and they continued walking around.

"Am I interrupting something here?" They heard a deep cold voice behind them and they stopped walking kind of frozen in their places.

Jeongguk was the first one to turn around. As soon as he saw his hyung he smiled and went up to him to embrassed the elder in a hug. "Hyungie! Where have you been??" He said and lifted his head up to look in his eyes.

Taehyung on the other hand was thinking if he should hug the younger back or not, he was kinda mad he found him like this with someone else. He hugged him back though because he missed him but he was eyeing the unknown to him person with an angry like look.

Eventually he shifted his look to the boy hugging. "I was preparing something for y-"

"Well now that Ggukie found you Imma head out, bye!" Yugyeom interupted them and left those two lovebirds alone.

"Bye Yugyeomie!" Jeongguk yelled and turned to Taehyung "Preparing something for me?? What is it hyungie??"

"Follow me. Let me show you baby."

Baby?! Jeongguk blushed, looking down and walked next to the elder male.

Uwu look at those two😍🥺✊

Anyways, I'll start updating again🙃 Love you all stay safe❤❤

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