t r---@gIc

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"I don't believe you.." I muttered under my breath as I ran a hand through my messy hair.

"Of course, you don't." Pau shrugged his shoulders while he took out another cigarette.

"What does that even mean?" My [e. color] eyes narrowed at the scruffy brunette as I frowned.

"Nothing, I doubt you'd even remember anyways." He rolled his eyes as he lit up the cig between his fingers.

My shoulders slumped and felt gulit run throughout my body, "It's not my fault.."

"Pau, just leave her alone! Tord told you specifically not to give her stress about anything dealing with her past!"

I glanced over at Yuu, "So this.. Todd guy knows more about me than anyone else..?"

"Tord, and there's a few others that also know about you-"

"Can I talk to him right now?" I interrupted Yuu as I slid off the bed, but instead I was stopped before even continuing.

"No! Don't go with Tord! Not again..." The boy had cried out as his arms wrapped around my leg.

"FDK, please let go of [Name].." Yuu dropped a sweat as he nervously laughed while pulling the boy off the girl's leg.

"Kid, let's go, it's past your bed time anyways." Pau puffed out some smoke before dragging FDK away from both Yuu and I.

I sighed as I stood up straight, looking at the blond in front of me.

"Tell me, if I can go see him-"

"He's off doing something important with the help of Pat." Yuu walked off to a desk and picked up a pen, writing down something.

"Does Pat know me too?" My curiosity getting the best of me.

"In a way, yes. You both have met before, although, nothing much has happened."



"I want to go back! I don't want her to leave!" FDK whined as I tucked him in bed.

"She's not gonna leave, I'll make sure of that." I mumble, taking another puff at my cigarette.

"That's what you said last time..." The boy trailed off while covering half his face with the blanket provided for him.

"I'll do a better job, now cheer up." I sigh as I blow the smoke in a different direction.

"You promise..?"

"Promise, with all my heart and hope to die."

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