Chapter 14

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- Hey guys, I'm so sorry I haven't been writing. School's been really busy and I didn't know what to write. Also this is a short chapter but, the other writer doesn't do as much anymore. I'm currently writing the next chapter though so, hopefully it'll come out soon.



I finally worked up the courage to go home. I sneaked back into my room remembering what Harry's weak and bruised body looked like. He stood there like a deer in the headlights. I felt so bad for him. Those muggles are going to pay for what they did to my boyfriend! I rolled up my blue jumper sleeves and looked down at my pale skin on my arm. I took off my personnoa and looked at my arm again and saw the dark mark. The dark mark stuck out like a sore thumb against the paleness of my skin. I could never show Harry he'll hate me! I became a 'follower' of Harry's number one rival, someone who's been trying to kill him for years! I'll always be the evil Draco Malfoy, the evil boyfriend, the one who teams up with his boyfriend's rival. I choked back a sob and decided to make a start on my homework to distract myself from everything happening with Voldemort.


I was dismissed from dinner with a hit from the Smelting stick and a whack to the head leaving me with a discoloured mark over my temple. I started my homework when I got to my room hoping I'd get some of it done before my heavy eyelids carried me into a state of unconsciousness. I got distracted while studying the magical creatures remembering what Draco had said about Veela. I took out my other textbook, moved to the glossary and turned to the section on Veela. Veela are semi- who appear as young, beautiful women with white-gold hair and moon-bright skin, native to . Their looks and especially their dance is hypnotically seductive to almost all male beings, which causes them to perform foolhardy and impulsive actions to get closer to, and to receive admiration from the Veela. I put the book down on my desk and stared into space thinking about what the book said. Then what Draco said. I walked over to my bed and sat down thinking about Veela.

"If Draco and I pretend to be Veela whenever we're in our personnoa's it'll keep people from thinking that it's actually Draco and I!" I whispered amazed at myself and my findings. My eyelids droped when I lay on the bed sinking into the soft covers. I jumped at the sound of a knock on my door.


"Voldemort requests you in the conference room immediately." Whispered one of the house elves. I got up to thank him, he looked up at me with wide frightened eyes and with the click of his fingers he disappeared. I walked the rest of the way towards my door and cautiously placed my fingers on the doorknob and turned it opening the door to go see Voldemort and collect my assignment.

Voldemort was sitting in my father's chair at the end of the long table looking at Nagni petting her with his long bony fingers. I cleared my throat and Voldemort turned his head to look at me with his piercing Red eyes.

"Ahh, Draco." He said standing up and gliding over to me as if he were floating. A hand clasped my shoulder, I looked around to see my mother and father standing behind me. I stood up a little straighter and brushed down the non-existent wrinkles on my blazer. Voldemort stopped in front of me failing to meet my eyes.

"I have an assignment for you Draco." He said staring at my parents and I in turn. The hand on my shoulder tightened and my mother's knuckles turned white. I kept my eyes on Voldemort, I knew what he was going to say but still didn't want him to say it.

"Draco, to prove to me your loyalty. You will have to kill Dumbledore." Voldemort announced keeping my eye the entire time. The death eaters in the room erupted in boo's at the announcement of Dumbledore's name. I could feel myself going white but ignored it.

"Okay," I whispered looking back at my mother with frightened eyes. "May I be excused?" I said. My knees were trembling and going to give way.

"Yes!" Voldemort said with an uncanny smile. With that I took my mother's hand off my shoulder and walked casually out of the dining hall and into my quarters.

As soon as I got into my room I fell onto my bed and cried myself to sleep without getting changed.


I successfully got out of the house yesterday when the Dursleys were asleep! However, I still got a couple hits with the smelting stick and a few punches from Dudley.

I gingerly got out of bed and put on some clothes ready for the never-ending work. My body ached with a pain I hadn't felt for a long time. I longed to be back at Hogwarts with Draco. Snogging in broomstick cupboards, and feeling like I had someone to depend on. Instead i was here, at the Dursley's, being abused and beaten. I can't wait for the holidays to be over.


I woke up with a start. Harry's going to hate me, I have to kill, KILL, the one man he's looked up at since he first set foot in Hogwarts. I can't face him like this, he'll hate me when he finds out I have to dark mark. I do not want to go back to Hogwarts. 

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