Drabble 9: Fall Down [Angst/DiYue]

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Dylan felt the hand holding his phone trembled. He is sweating cold and shivering. His breathing changed to series of pants and he could hear his heart beats loudly in his chest.

He knew. Thankful for his training in college as an FA, he knows exactly what is happening.

A panic attack.

He wanted so much to re-dial her number, but he can't even lift a finger.

He felt his eyes warmth up. There it goes. His body wants to cry but his mind is acting like his rude self.

No tears for him.

Tears are only for acting.

He is not a sissy.

"H-HAO-GE!" He shouted as loud as he can.

The familiar thumps of his manager's footsteps somehow calmed him a bit.

'Save me. Please. I don't want this.' His mind begged.

Hao's eyes widened in confusion after seeing his ward shake on his feet. "DYLAN!" He quickly ran to him and helped him sat down on the hotel bed. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" He demanded with worry.

Dylan let his body fell down on the bed. The mattress under his head was satiny soft and he deserved to rest. "Pills. In my wallet. Please." He directed Hao.

Hao nodded and just did what he wanted. After fighting the only pills in the boy's back, he ran towards the small fridge and took some bottled water.

"Here." He offered.

Dylan whispered a thank you and slowly swallowed two pills, waving his hand at Hao-ge, silently telling him that water was not necessary.

His manager stood quietly beside his bed, looking down at him His eyes dark and confused.

After a few minutes, Dylan can finally feel his nerves come back to normal. His heart had slowed down and his shivering has halter. He looked up to meet Hao-ge's eyes and smiled assuringly. "Ge. I'm fine. Just tired. Chill."

Hao frowned. The boy is still a very bad liar. "Did you call her again? Did she push you away, as always, again?"

Dylan's smile faded. He looked away and stared at the decorated wall in front of the bed.

Hao sighed and stood in front of Dylan. "You need to stop being a moody teenager. You're an adult. Act like it." He chastised.

The glare the Dylan struck at him was expected.

"Yes I am! I KNOW! NO NEED TO REMIND ME EVERY FUCKING TIME!" He bellowed angrily.

His manager's eyes didn't even shift a bit. His outburst had been too common lately that its impact had faded.

Hao watched the young man stumped around the small hotel room. They had been together for a while and he is aware that moving is good to calm him. He was somehow amazing. For years that he had been working as a celebrity manager, Dylan Wang, is the only actor he knew that could go from panic to distress then to anger at one go.

Soong enough, Dylan had stop his angry pacing and once again sat down on the bed, facing away from Hao-Ge. "Everything sucks. I'm so unhappy." He declared.

Hao nodded quickly. "You didn't tell me that that was your plan." He replied mockingly. "If you told me the first time that your aim is be 'HAPPY', I should have told MengYang that you prefer to stay in Leshan."

Dylan did not reply.

Hao watched him reached for the nearest pillow. Dylan started playing with it and repeatedly tossed it in the air.

Hao understands very well that Wang HeDi is still a child. He may look like an adult outside, but he knows. Dylan's emotion is always all over the place. Always thumping, yelling and complaining. Being an only child did not help in calming his moods. One second he's happy, then sad, then angry then mad. He is very thankful that his EQ is high enough to bear the young man's behavior, OR ELSE, he should have requested a change of talent a long time ago.

"I think she hates me." Dylan spoke boringly, breaking the silence of the room.

"She doesn't." Hao replies confidently.

Dylan stopped throwing the pillow. "How would you know? You don't know her." He insisted.

"But I know you."

He did not reply. Dylan let out a deep sigh and once again dropped on the bed. "Whatever. Let me sleep. I'll be fine later."

Hao nodded.


The sound of the door clicking close somehow calmed him.

Being alone means being real. Without the sound of cameras clicking or the unwelcomed infatuations of his obsessed fans, he treasures his rare isolations.

He stopped himself from thinking about her. He doesn't want to revisit the pain of the words she last said.

He closed his eyes.

He closed his eyes

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'It's okay. Just breathe.'


Word Count: 796

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