Chapter 1~Stressed Much?

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*Sofie's P.O.V.*

"Hey Nash." I smiled, walking right into his room.

"C'mon in then." He chuckled, sitting up from his comfy spot on his bed.

"Can we do something?" I asked, sprawling out on the floor.

"Need a break from studying?" Nash raised an eyebrow, getting up, and walking over to his closet.

"Yes!" I yelled, getting frustrated with my stress level.

"Is it cold out?" He asked, grabbing a sweatshirt.

"No, but you'll want something on your arms." I replied, gesturing to my long sleeves.

It was March right now, so the weather was nice but breezy too. Today was a Sunday, which meant that my SAT test was in three days, on Wednesday. Since it was my senior year, I was studying like crazy for this thing. Last year, I didn't study that much, and I didn't do that bad, and just because I'm an overachiever, I'm gonna try and do better.

"Sofie..." Nash trailed off, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Sorry." I said, standing up. "I was just thinking."

"Yeah that's about all you do these days. I honestly don't even get how your brain works." He laughed, walking out of his room.

I was shortly behind Nash as we walked down the hallway. Once I walked past the mirror in the middle of the hallway, I noticed just how bad I really looked. My eyes were almost bloodshot, I had the biggest bags under my eyes, and my hair was thrown into the messiest, sloppiest bun I've ever seen.

"I'll be in the car!" Nash hollered from downstairs.

"Coming!" I shouted back, quickly taking my bun out. I ran my fingers through my hair a couple times before putting it back up nicely yet messily cute.

When I got into Nash's car, I saw Hayes and Lizzy sitting on one of the deck beds, drinking hot chocolate. Just like Shawn had asked me, Hayes is waiting until May for Lizzy's 16th birthday to ask her to be his girlfriend.

"Where do you wanna go?" Nash asked, backing out of the driveway.

"I don't know about you, but I need some coffee." I smiled, rubbing my eyes to try and make my bags not as noticeable.

"Caribou Coffee it is then. After that do you want to drive around the lake?" He suggested.

"Sure." I nodded.

"So, how's Shawn doin?" Nash said, turning the radio up slightly just so it was playing in the background.

"Good. I miss him so much. We haven't seen each other since Christmas, and it's already been enough." I thought aloud.

"You guys talk every night still don't you?" He recalled.

"Yeah. We usually FaceTime once I'm all done studying and when my homework is pretty much done. However, this past week I haven't gotten done with my stuff till like 11, so then I don't get to bed until 12:30." I explained.

"I don't know how your still alive." Nash chuckled, ruffling my hair.

"Coffee and Shawn." I laughed. "If it wasn't for him and our FaceTimes, I would have absolutely no motivation to get my homework done."

"I can't imagine how many shots you've been drinking in your coffee lately." He smiled, pulling up to Caribou Coffee's drive-thru.

"Welcome to Caribou! How can I help you?" The speaker buzzed.

"Can I get a hot, medium, white chocolate caramel latte with three shots of espresso?" I said loudly, leaning across Nash a little so I would be heard.

"And I'll just have a hot, large, caramel apple cider." Nash ordered.

"Your total will be 9.50. Please pull ahead to." The speaker replied.

Nash drove to the first window and handed the lady his debit card, while I placed 4.50 in his lap for my drink.

"Thanks." He said, putting it in his wallet along with his card.

"What's with the caramel apple cider?" I laughed.

"I don't know." He shrugged. "It looked pretty decent."

"You're hilarious." I giggled, shaking my head. Seriously though, who buys something because it looks 'pretty decent?' Lol

These last two years have gotten Nash and I to the stage of practically brother and sister. Sometimes, he'll offer to pay for my stuff, but usually I take the responsibility upon myself.

Once we got our drinks, Nash drove around the lake. The car ride was pretty much full of laughter, music, and more laughter. As he pulled up into his driveway, I drank the last little gulp of my latte. Looking at the clock that read 6:42, I realized that we were only gone for an hour and a half.

"Well, I bet mom's got supper ready, so I better go." I said getting out of the car.

"And what will you do after your supper? Let me guess..." Nash chuckled, shaking his head as he got out of the car.

"Study." He and I both said at the same time.

"Have fun with that." He stated sarcastically.

"I will! And thanks for the little break!" I yelled, running over to my house.

"Don't stress yourself too much!" He yelled back, walking inside his house.

Walking into my house, I hung my purse on one of the pegs that stuck out of the wall behind the door. I heard voices in the kitchen, so I headed in that direction.

"Hi mom." I smiled, walking over to her, and giving her a hug from behind.

"Hey dad." I smiled again, sending a nod in his direction. He was sitting out in the living room, but I could still see him through the open French doors.

"Have fun with Nash?" My mom asked, taking something out of the oven.

"Yeah. We just got some coffee and drove around the lake." I replied, sitting down on one of the barstools.

Just then Lizzy came in from the living room. She was probably up in her room doing who knows what.

"Lookin rough sis." She commented, walking to the fridge to grab a juice.

"Hey get me one too please." I added. "And thanks by the way. I think I might actually look rougher than I feel, and that's pretty hard to do."

"Honey, just don't over do it." My mom warned, putting the casserole back in the oven for a little bit longer.

I stood up from the counter and started to walk into the living room as Lizzy stopped me.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"To study." I sighed, walking up the stairs, and taking a big, long drink of my apple juice.

Hey guys I'm super happy to be writing this sequel! Updates will probably not be on a regular basis. I mean I'll try and do once a week or once every other week, but we all know how school can get a little busy. Please vote and comment what you think! Don't forget to suggest this to your friends!

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