Chapter 7~Am I Really a Pest?

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*Sofie's P.O.V.*

As I stepped into the shower, I winced at the hot water burning my back, but it only took a second to get used to it. It was Christmas break; I got all A's on my finals...which means I have more A's showing up on my transcript, and that's all I care about.

Nash and his family are going to L.A. for the next week and a half, and me and my family are going up to Darci's house. Shawn was planning to take me out to dinner again on my birthday, which was in three days. We fly out of the airport here in maybe 3 hours, and I figured it'd be nice to feel a little fresh before going on a germy airplane.

After my shower, I changed into a really warm polo sweater and a pair of leggings. To top it off, I threw on my pair of gray uggs, which matched the small gray polo symbol in the left-hand corner of my sweater. Deciding to switch it up a bit, I left my hair down to air dry rather than putting it in a bun.

After I quickly gathered all of my last minute things such us my toothbrush, brush, pajamas, etc., I packed them into my suitcase. Taking one last look around the room, I threw my purse over my head while it hung by my waist, and shut the lights off.

As I was struggling with my suitcase on the stairs, my dad came up to grab it for me.

"Thanks dad." I said, walking down to the couch by the tv.

"What's in here? A body?" My dad joked, carrying my heavy suitcase down the stairs and over to the door.

"Just about." I chuckled, plopping down on the couch. Through the living room windows, I could see the Griers' packing all of their stuff into their suburban. Everybody was going along, even Will.

"Mom!" I shouted, "I'm going to go say bye to Nash!"

Running up to Nash from behind, I scared the crap out of him by jabbing my fingers into his sides, which would make anyone squirm.

"Did I scare ya?" I smiled.

"No, I just like to shit my pants from fear for pleasure." He said sarcastically.

"When's your guys' flight leave?" I asked.

"Couple hours. You?" Nash replied.

"Same. Maybe we'll be on the same flight!"

"Do you have stops or is it a direct flight to Toronto?"

"We stop in Chicago. How about you?"

"We stop in Chicago too!"

"Maybe we are on the same flight." I thought aloud.

Before Nash could respond, my dad honked the horn while my mom motioned for me to hurry up.

"Looks like it's time to go." I stated.

"Here." Nash started, embracing me in a big hug. Pulling away he said, "Just in case we don't see each other at the airport."

"Bye!" I shouted, running over to the car where my family was waiting for me.

We waved to the Griers as they packed up their last few items. The drive only took an hour and a half to get to the airport, and as soon as we got there, we realized that we kind of had to hustle and bustle from here on out. Our plane took off in 45 minutes, and if the lines are long, then we'll probably miss the flight.
"Last call for flight 923." The speaker buzzed.

By this point, my family and I were running through the airport just to make out flight on time. Finally, we could see our gate at the other end of the walkway.

"Wait!" My mom yelled.

This moment was kind of embarrassing, but it was also very memorable. I let out a sigh of relief as we reached the gate.

"You barely made it." The flight attendant said, checking our tickets off.

"We know." My dad panted.

"Enjoy your flight." She smiled, giving us our tickets back.

My dad and mom turned out getting seats by each other, which was great because now, Lizzy and I can sit together...along with some stranger since it was a two seat row then a three seat row across the aisle. After my parents sat down in their seats, Lizzy and I continued to the back, where I saw Nash sitting by himself.

What if our seats are next to him?! I thought aloud. Eventually, I was able to see the row number and it turns out that we do sit by him! He had headphones in and was looking out the window, so I quietly snuck up behind him. Lizzy took our bags and put them in the overhead compartment while I counted to three.

"1...2...3!" I whispered. "Boo!"

Nash gasped so loud that Lizzy and I could hardly hold in our silent laughter.

"What are you doing here?" He smiled, clutching his scared heart.

"We have seats next to you!" I replied, getting comfy for take-off.

"Just don't bother me, you pest." Nash teased, turning towards the window.

I laughed, poking him sharply in the side, which made him squeal from the tickles. With that, I fell into a deep sleep as the plane took off for the next stop.

End of chapter! Sorry for the wait:( IT'S CONTEST TIME!!!!!!!! Since I'm not even educated in the slightest on edits and stuff, I decided that whoever makes the best book cover edit with:

1) A picture of Shawn
2) A picture of me
3) The title of the book
4) My username somewhere on the cover

will get to receive a part in the story somewhere..and you WILL NOT be a minor character:) just message me that you have the edit, and I'll give you my email, and use the picture at the beginning of the chapter (and I know, it's not the best. I literally just took it haha.) I'll give you guys until the end of January. Thanks for reading:)

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