Shot 6 & Epilogue

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Come with another shot ❤ Hope you will like ❤

At Mid Night!

A dark room shown. Everything is dark. A slight light of moon light across through window which reflect someone is tying on chair. The person face is covered with clothe.

Suddenly a person come with slow step toward that person who is tied. He on light. His face revealed Laksh who smirking at person.

He come toward the person remove black cap from face. Person revealed Swara who is unconscious. He smirk seeing her like this remembered how he kidnapped her making her unconscious. when she was sleeping in her room. He smirk seeing her forward hand toward her caress her face with obsession and lust filled emotion inside his heart.

He take water bottle from table sprinkle water on her make her gain consciousness. Swara open eyes with difficulty feeling pain in head because of drug effect given by him. She blink eyes several times for get a clear view.

Everything become clear in front of her. Her gaze shift to Laksh who is looking at her with a smirk on his lips seeing him in front of her. She found herself tied on chair become shocked.

Swara : ( angrily) Laksh! What is this? What kind of nonsense is this? Why you brought me here?

Laksh : ( smirk) for getting you Swara. What you thought you will deny me for marriage and I will accept your this bullshit. No way for getting you I can do anything whether I have to force you for this.

Swara : ( become angry listening his nonsense behavior) Shut up Laksh! Have you gone mad or what? Do you think by doing this you can get me. Really? Marriage doesn't happen by forcing. I already told you that I don't want to marry you then why this small thing is not fitting in your stupid brain?

Laksh : ( with obsession in eyes) I don't want to understand anything because I love you dammit. I love you from childhood. Marrying you is my life 's biggest aim and I will get you at any cost. I did many things for getting you and now also I am ready to cross any limits for getting you. ( smirk).

Swara : ( angrily) You gone mad Laksh. You are sick. This is not love. This is your obsession and the result of obsession is always destruction. You stay away from me. My Sanskar will not spare you. I am only of my Sanskar. If my Sanskar come to know about your this madness. He will not leave you alive.

Laksh 's eyes become dark in anger and jealousy while listening Sanskar 's name whom he hate the most in his life.

Laksh : ( angrily) Sanskar! Sanskar! Why you chant his name? What is in him? Which is not in me. Why you love him not me.

Swara : ( angrily) the major difference in you and my Sanskar is honesty, truth, devotion which selfish person like you can't understand ever. So leave your madness otherwise my Sanskar Will not spare you alive. You will regret for this.

Laksh : ( angrily) Your that Sanskar can't do anything of mine because he is died. I kill him by my own hands. ( blurts out being highly angry and jealous listening Swara 's words for Sanskar which showing her love for him).

Swara looks at him angrily then see Sanskar from corner of eyes who is standing behind curtains looking at Laksh angrily.


Swara called Sanskar. Sanskar come to meet her being worried why she called him at late night time showing 12:00am.

Sanskar : ( concerned) what happened Swara? Why you called me? Is everything alright?

Swara : ( smile seeing his care for her) Everything is alright Sanskar. I called you for your help.

Sanskar : ( confused) which help?

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