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she realised what she has done and immediately stood up straight and bowed. "omg im so sorry that was totally unintentional and i absolutely wasnt stalking you or being a creep or anything i swear" she blurted out all at once, almost as if she was rapping.

the boys didn't say anything and he just stood there, shocked. "um its okay i guess" he spoke while rubbing the back of his forehead.

she took this as an 'ok' sign for her to come in further into the dance room. she walked over to the boy and stuck her hand out. "that wasn't the best greeting so let's do it properly. hi im eun jaerim" she smiled brightly at the boy.

he on the other hand, reluctantly shook her hand. "im hyunjin. hwang hyunjin" he awkwardly spoke. he was horrible around new people and didn't know what to say.

"im not from the dance faculty but wow its amazing here!" jaerim made herself comfortable and took a seat beside hyunjin on the floor. with this, hyunjin awkwardly moved to his left to increase the distance between the two.

"yeah i can tell" he uncomfortably said.

jaerim sensed the awkwardness and stood back up. "im so sorry if i was bothering you! im a media student and was just venturing into the dance faculty to know more about this part of campus. its my second year here but i still havent been to the dance building" she rapped everything out again.

she waved goodbye to hyunjin and made her way out of the room. "hope to see you around hwang hyunjin" she smiled as she closed the door beside her. 

he nodded his head and waited for the door to fully shut. 

"idiot i could've asked her to be my partner for the assignment. god damn it hyunjin" he cursed at himself and rubbed his face. 

"she seems nice. maybe ill ask her when i see her around. we're from the same year too so it'll be great" he reassured himself.

he stood up and stretched his muscles. he thought back about the time he had with his father and the moments they spent dancing. he truly missed him. 

he shook the thoughts away and continued dancing. 

jaerim walked out of the dance building and breathed in the crisp air of fall. she loved the weather at this time of the year. not too cold but not too warm either. it was nearing the end of the school year and she was briefed about partnering up with a dance student for the year end assignment. 

that was the true reason behind why she visited the dance faculty. before today, she never once bothered to go into the dance building. mainly because her friends were either in medicinal department or the fashion department. 

she was definitely amazed by the environment there. she was even more amazed at the dancers. especially hyunjin. his movements were strong and accurate yet soft and delicate. it also held a tinge of sadness in it that added a touch of uniqueness to his dance. 

she wanted to get to know hyunjin more. she also wanted to know why he was crying. 

"maybe i'll ask him to be my partner for the assignment" she smiled to herself. he extroverted nature wanted to know more about hyunjin and thought this was the perfect opportunity. she also thought that filming him dance would be great for her grades since his dance was unique and held a story behind it.

she walked back to the media faculty with he decision engraved into her mind. she was determined to ask hyunjin to be her partner for the assignment. 

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