Chapter 1

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Katie's POV

It's currently the middle of summer vacation before I start my freshman year of high school. I'm pretty nervous about it but at least I will have Roman there with me.

It was around 9am and I was awoken by all four of my brothers attacking me with pillows. Per usual.

"Katie! Get up!" I heard Cameron yell in the middle of their attack.

I just groaned and put my pillow over my head in hope that it would block the attacks or at least the noise. It didn't work. I knew they weren't going to stop until I got up but I was just so warm and cozy under my blankets.

"Go away." I moaned. "I'm trying to sleep and its summer vacation! Let me at least sleep past 10!"

"Nope!" Wyatt yelled. "Never going to happen!"

"In your dreams Munchkin!" I heard Roman yell after him.

I heard the other boys chuckle at Romans statement. They know I hate being called 'Munchkin.' The next thing I knew the covers were ripped off me and I was thrown over Thomas' shoulder. I was pounding on his back as hard as I could with my fists.

"Put me down right now Thomas!" I screamed at him.

It was no use. He just chuckled and kept walking in the direction of the kitchen. Sometimes I wish I was as strong as my brothers. They all worked out at the gym and were very buff. I was just a tiny stick, and we all knew it. I hope there is at least something good for breakfast.

Thomas put me down on one of the kitchen stools with a plate in front of it. My dad was at the stove cooking. He just looked up and smiled when he saw me. I am such a daddy's girl. I love him so much! My dad put some pancakes on my plate as well as my brothers' plate and his own. He sat down next to me, with Cameron just sat to my other side, as we all started to eat.

"Good morning sleepy head." My father said to me.

"Morning." I mumbled back taking a bite of my pancakes. They were delicious.

"Did you sleep okay?" he asked.

"Very well." I replied. "I was also having the best dream."

"Well, let's hear it then." Cameron said with a mouthful of pancake. He always loved to hear about my strange dreams.

"Hey!" I said to him raising my voice slightly and sticking my finger on the tip of his nose. He crossed his eyes in order to stare directly at my finger that was now sitting on his nose, which made me giggle. "No talking when your mouth is full of food!" I said, still giggling at the sight of his silly looking face. He just rolled his eyes at me, then poked me in the side, making me flinch and giggle more. He smirked at me.

"You're not the boss of me Munchkin!" Cameron said while leaning in to me with a hint of playfulness in his voice.

"Don't call me Munchkin, mister!" I said back to him.

"Did the Munchkin just talk back to me?" He said looking at my other three brothers. They nodded yes at Cameron with an amused look.

I knew what was coming to me. I tried to get up to make a run for it, but Cameron saw right through my plan to escape. He jumped up, grabbed me, then threw me over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" I screamed, but he just kept walking up the stairs with me. "Daddy help me!" I screamed again.

"Sorry princess. Not today." He replied. I let out a huff of anger.

"Awww. Is little Katie mad that daddy won't come to her rescue?" Cameron teased, making everyone else except me chuckle.

"Oh shut up." I said back to him. Just making everyone else laugh more. Cameron ran up the stairs and into his room. He flopped me on his bed and pinned me down with my arms over my head.

"No Cammy, don't do it!" I tried to reason with him using his nickname and my puppy dog eyes. As soon as I pulled out my famous puppy dog eyes he looked away but still kept me pinned. He melts for them and so do my brothers.

"Put those eyes away right now!" he said to me.

"No. Never." I simply stated. He repositioned himself so that one hand was keeping me pinned. He started to wiggle his fingers with his free hand and bring it down directly towards my vulnerable stomach. I started to squirm around and giggle uncontrollably.

"I'm not even touching you yet Munchkin." He teased. "Okay I will give you one more chance to stop those eyes or else."

I wasn't listening to him though. I was so focused on his hand slowly inching towards me.

"Fine. Here it comes." He said

The next thing I know he attacked my stomach with his wiggling fingers, making burst into full-blown laughter.

"Aww." He cooed. "Is little Katie ticklish?"

"Stop it please!" I yelled through my laughter.

Next he started kissing and nuzzling into my neck making me laugh even more. When he finally stopped, 5 minutes later, he kissed the top of my head.

"I love you Kit-Kat." He said to me.

"Love you too." I said back, completely out of breath.

We cuddled up together on his bed. I loved my brothers even though they drive me crazy.

Poor Cameron, he doesn't know what prank is coming to him tomorrow morning. Revenge is sweet.

A/N: More chapters coming soon! Please let me know if you enjoyed it!

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