Chapter 3

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Katie's POV
Today is finally the day (or so I thought). The day where I prank my brothers for all of the torture they put me through on a daily basis.
Right now I'm sitting in my room, on my purple bed, planning my master pranks. So far, I have 3 big pranks planned. I mean that should be enough. Right? Well, at least enough for today.
I ran downstairs to find my dad so he could to take me to the store to get some supplies. As I was running down the hallway to my dads office, I ran into what felt like a brick wall. But It couldn't have been a wall because that "wall" was laughing at me.
"Oh my god Katie! You are so clumsy!" Thomas said to me still laughing his head off.
"Ha. Ha. Very funny." I said back to him sarcastically. I went to get up because clearly he wasn't going to help me, when he lifted me up and through me over his shoulder. I squealed and whined, "Tommy, put me down. I need to find dad."
"No way. You're coming to cuddle with me right this second munchkin!" he said back to me. I just rolled my eyes and pouted and let him carry me up to the gaming room. Not to my surprise, my other three brothers were in there playing whatever video game they were interested in today. "Loooook what I caught!" Thomas sang, dragging out the "look". All of my brothers looked back at me and smiled. Meanwhile, Thomas put me down on the floor and plopped down in his beanbag chair, pulling me onto his lap. He cuddled me close, putting his face into my neck and I could tell that he was smiling.
"Wait. Hold on a second. How did you even end up catching her?" Wyatt asked.
"Oh. Funny story actually. She ran right into me and then went flying backwards. Guess it's because of my muscle." He replied, lifting up his shirt to show us his prominent 6-pack.
"What muscle?" I snorted back at him. Everyone in the room burst out laughing except for Thomas who narrowed his eyes at me. When Thomas tightened his grip on me and pulled me closer into his chest, I knew I had messed up. I tried to get out of his grip when I saw the smirk appear on his face. He started to squeeze my sides and I burst into giggles, making all my other brothers pause their game and come towards us smiling. Thomas wasn't exactly happy with the reaction he was getting from just squeezing my sides so he moved straight in for the kill. He stopped squeezing my sides and gave me about 5 seconds to breathe before he dove his finger into my hypersensitive bellybutton, wiggling it around and blowing raspberries into my neck. I screamed at the top of my lungs which made my dad come running into the room with a panicked look on his face. When my dad saw that it was just Thomas tickling the crap out of me he relaxed and sat down on the beanbag next to us. "DAHAHAD!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, laughing hysterically. "HEEHEHLPP MEMEEEE! THOMASSS STOOHAHAPPP! PLEAHAHSSE! NOHAHAT THEHE BEHAHALY BUTTOHAHAN!!!"
"Not the bellybutton? But why? It's just too ticklish. I can't stop!" He said casually, shrugging his shoulders, and trying to keep a firm grip on my thrashing body. It tickled so bad and I was laughing so hard that I had tears rolling down my cheeks.
"Okay, come on Thomas." My dad said to Thomas. "Give her a break. She's had enough for one day."
"Oh fine dad." Thomas said pouting and sticking his bottom lip out. "But one last thing." Next thing I knew he had lifted my shirt all the way up to my ribs and was blowing raspberries everyplace he could on my super ticklish tummy. That pushed me over the edge and I fell into silent laughter. Thomas and the rest of my brothers we're laughing at me and then he finally stopped and let me roll onto the ground, curling up into a tight ball, still giggling hysterically.
"Hey daddy bear" I asked once I finally caught my breath and I had stopped giggling.
"Yes princess?" He asked, pulling me into his lap and letting me snuggle into his chest.
"Can we go to the store? I need some important materials for later tonight."
"Of course I will take you. Anything for my princess." I felt my eyes droop and my body relax as I drifted off to sleep in my father's arms. He carried me to his room and put me down on his bed and snuggled into my sleeping body. That night I dreamt of all the pranks I was going to pull on my brothers. Especially Thomas. I couldn't wait for my dad to take me to the store.
A/N: so here's another chapter. I hope you guys liked it and leave some suggestions or prompts into the comments!

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