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paigecooley2019 tagged me y e e t

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paigecooley2019 tagged me y e e t

1. Don't think so. Do fictional characters count?
2. I guess not??? If fictional characters count, then in my head, yes.
3. Abigail. But on my birth certificate it's spelled wrong so technically I'm abiligail
4. Taken, but it's an online relationship. Wait, does that still count as a crush???

5.-6. I don't usually choose favorites but if we're talking irl it's my friend Katie (yes, Caity and Katie. We are literally twins lmao) and my friend Owen. I hang with them most. I also have a friend named Abigail and one named Dombido and they're really chill. I don't really pick BEST friends because if we're friends we're friends. There is no higherarchy of friendship.

7. My fave otp is uhhhh KatsuDeku and (don't judge me) Murther

8. Lmao Jesus

9. I think it was Buttercup (the cover) by Chloe Moriando

10. 420%



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12. Ima be honest I made a wattpad cus I saw it had naruhina smut

13. September 13 (ironic lol)

Y'all don't have to do the tag


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