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"Okay Maggie..im very disappointed but this is your warning ok?" Mr.Bartlett frowned "yea ok .." "We'll go get ready for home it's 3:00" he shooed "okay" I agreed and walked away to my locker number 88, I set my books on the ground and opened my locker with my combination.
I put my books away and grabbed my bookbag "okay everyone in the classroom" my homeroom said but. I just walked away. "Maggie!" she yelled but oh we'll I went out to the car to my older sister (who I loved with) Beth, "hey sweetie how was school?" she asked "stupid" I growled getting in the passenger seat, "what did you do?" She asked with concern "I punched Kali.." I mumbled.
"Maggie! you can't do that at school" "who not!!! she made me go to the guidance office saying I was bullying her!!!!" I yelled waving my hand all around the Car, "Maggie! put ur seatbelt on right now before I get pulled over! and don't yell at me!" "yea okay" I growled lowly and threw my seatbelt on turning myself to not face her..
When I got home I grabbed my bag and stomped up the stairs and tried to open the door "Beth the door won't open!" I yelled madly, "That's because it's locked" she smirked and she unlocked the door "whatever" I groaned "don't do that Maggie" "do what" "get mad at me for yelling at you to put ur seatbelt on" "we'll I was mad okay!!!!" I started to cry " I had a bad d-day"
I hugged her and cried.."its okay..calm down okay" she looked at me assuringly "it's gonna be okay" she smiled and I wiped my tears with my sleeve "can I go over to Josie's?" I asked, Josie is my bff.
"Yea sure sweetie be carful okay? Do you want me to drive you?" "No thanks sis Josie is 16 now and she has her drivers licence" I frowned "you will have yours to soon, your only 15 hon" she smiled and hugged me "let me know when your leaving" she patted my head and skipped off to Glenn (her boyfriend)
I went down to my room and went into my living room, I called Josie after I sat down.
"Hey jos ;) can I come over for the night?"
"Yea no problem I'll come pick you up in 10" I smiled and hung up.
I went into my room and packed a long sleeve top like my grey one put it was light blue and it said ' j'adore yourself ' in white cursive writing and to match it Black leggings, I put them in my bag and I put on my light pink hightops as I heard Josie beeping her horn "Maggs! Josie's here!" Beth called "okay!" I hollered back, maybe tomorrow will be a better day.

RandomMaggie is in 9th grade, gets bullied, has one Twin(bestie) lives with her older sister Beth the age of 21 and her boyfriend Glenn, she lives in there basement because when she moved in with them they lived in Atlanta Georgia and every basement has a...