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The club isn't the best place to find a lover so the bar is where i go, me and my friends at the table doing shots drinking fast and then we talk slow
come over and start up a conversation with just me and trust me i will give u a chance......

     ___shape of you___


"Ammi, Ammi."

"Yes Aasmita what's the matter?"
Ammi said looking at her

"Ammi where did you keep my pin i've been looking for it for half an hour now"
"How can you be so forgetful at this young age i told you it's in your closet"

"oh no! i'm so sorry Ammi i don't know why this days i use to forget things easily but anyways thank you i got to go before i get late for school"
she said trying to put her side bag on her shoulder at the same time sliding into her Aldo slippers.

she ran up to where Ammi was sitting and gave her a tight hug along with a light peck on her cheek.

"toh sai na dawo"
"a dawo lafiya yar mama"

"but you didn't eat anything"
"no way Ammi, i'm gonna be late and you know i'm having exams"

"ok bye"
"Bye Ammi"

Ammi smiled and shook her then said "kai yarinyar nan Allah ya shiryaki"
"Amin Ammi"

she heard Aasmita's voice from outside

when she arrived at the university, she saw her friend and also her partner in crime, zarah Amin.

"hey zarah! when did you come? so you can't even give me a call or send me a message?"
"oh ni zarah yau na shiga uku i tried calling many times but that stupid woman in that her horrible voice would say 'sorry, the number you are trying to call is currently not reachable at the moment. pls try again later thank you.'
she winked

"oh! i see! and you can't send me a message right?"
she asked clearly pissed beacause zarah was supposed to send her the time table cause she lost her own she had to call her course mate kamil to send her the time table if not she would've been late.

"fine! i admit my mistake, am sorry princess Aasmita Assiddique"
zarah said holding her ears.

"No i can't forgive you so easily you have to do something for me in return"
"ok what's it am all ears "
"hmmmm, you have to take me to the cafetaria and buy me ahhhh....let me see" she rose her head up. "aha, two cupcakes, one milkshake, one cup of coffee cappuccino anddd"
she whined
"one packet of kitkat i think that's all....yeah that's all"

"is that all?"
"yes! or do you want me to add more?"
she said with a smirk
"No no no, i understand foodie. But that will be after our exams right?"
"of course"

They walked to the exam hall and sat on their various seats waiting for the exams to proceed

"zarah do you know what? i swear this exams was so simple it was beyond my expectations i didn't expect it to be like that."

"hmmmm, so what about the cafetaria?"

she started laughing untill her eyes became glassy.
"look at you zarah you took my word so serious as if you don't know who the great Aasmita Assiddique is. I was just joking you know like 'ama joking'

she said in a sinsong.

"kai Aasmita ba zaki taba canzawa ba this stupid attitude of yours you keep teasing people"
Aasmita laughed and said "alright i've to go now my stomach is groaning"

"wait Aasmita i'll come along it's been a while since i saw Ammi"
"ok lets go the driver is already here"

"Ammi, Ammi come and see who's here."
Ammi rushed out of her room she sighed and said "Ya Allah! Aasmita how many times should i have to tell you to always say your salam before you enter the house"?
"ooops! i'm sorry" Aasmita said while walking back to the door.

"Assalmu Alaikum"they both said
"wa alaikumussalm" Ammi answered.

"ha'an who am i seeing like zarah"
"its not 'like'. Its zarah." Aasmita said
"Ammi ina wuni"
"lafiya kalau zarah shigo ki zauna"

"Ammi wlhy i'm very hungry what did you cook?" Aasmita said walking towards the kitchen
"Duk abunda kika dafa ki dauka ki ci since i told you to have your break fast before you go but you didn't listen to me"

"Awwwwnnn! Ammi wlhy yunwa nake ji"
"silly girl! open the brown warmer your food is there"

"Ai kuwa zarah baza ki ci shi ba"
"No way! that's impossible ai abinci har na ci shi na gama yarinya"

"oh really!" Aasmita said and feighned a hurt look.

"of course"

"alright we shall see"

Aasmita grabbed the warmer and rushed to her room. Zarah followed suit too. They both fell on the bed and began to laugh uncontrollably.

"Aasmita i forgot to tell you that your father is coming back tomorrow" said Ammi who was standing by the door.
"what! abba is coming back tomorrow? yeeppee!"

she stood up and started dancing some crazy dance steps.

Ya allah! Aasmita is such a bad dancer she's just spoiling the dance steps.

cray cray!

our gorgeous Aasmita

our gorgeous Aasmita

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Hello buttercups
how you, how is work, school.
hope all is fine insha Allah.
how did you see the surprise?
is it a yay or nay?
oya oya i need to know but before then

                  lots of love💕


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