Chapter 2

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Dana's POV

It was the the second strongest person in the group Cameron Dallas.

Where are you going loser, he said

I just ignore him and grabbed my books from my locker and started walking away. As I am walking I felt a strong hand turn me around and it was Cameron.

Listen here little missy, if you ignore me one more you will get

extra beatings, got it, he yelled in my face.

I was actually scared so I just nodded my head. I really hate the beatings they give me. I really didn't care about how I look after they beat me up, but I was now since my dad is coming over with his new family he left us for them. I really did love my dad but I also hated because he said that he didn't love us anymore and that I would become a nobody in life. I just want to prove him wrong even though I was pretty young when he left but I still remember it

~skipping to end of school~

I was walking out of the school and then someone pulled me into a dark alley. I wasn't scared because this was usually the routine I have to go to everyday.

Who wants to go first, Taylor said as the surrounded me

Nobody I guess I'll go first, he said making a fist

Then Matt and Nash hold me up,

This is for being ugly, he said punching me in my jawline

This is for you being alive, he said punching my stomach. That one hurt so much than usually. They let go of me and I fall to the ground. Then they started kicking my sides and started laughing and then left me there.

I stayed there for a few minutes and cry, then I tried to get up and walked to my car. I finally made it to my car and started to turn on the car.

~skipping car ride~

I got out of my car and decided to check my phone. I saw that it was somewhere between 4. I went inside the house and my mom saw me.

Oh honey what happened, she said looking at me

Nothing, I said

Okk but I want the real reason after your father and his family comes okk, she said

I jut nodded and walked upstairs. I only and 2 hours to get ready so I stared to get ready.

I took a shower and when I was done I put on my favorite red dress with my black wedges. I decided to do a full makeup look. I put on foundation, concealer, and eye primer on my eyes. Then I started doing my eyes I decided to go for a natural eye look. I then put on some eyeliner and mascara on my bottom and top eyelashes. After I put on some blush and bronzer and then I finished it off with a pink lipgloss. For my hair I decided to curl it. It took a couple minutes to curl it since I have such long hair, but I eventually finished curling my hair. I put on some hair spray and pined my bangs to the side. I put on my rings and a special bracelet I got from my used to be best friend.I look at my self in the mirror and I look pretty decent I guess.

I decided to help my little sister get ready. I feel bad for my sister Jennifer, she wasn't even born when our dad left.

I went inside her room and saw her trying to curl her hair. I laughed at her since she is only 13 and I think this is the first time curling her hair without mom or me doing it for her.

Do u need help, I ask her

She nodded and I grabbed the curling wand from her hand, and finished curling her hair. ~skipping to dinner time~

When I finished getting her ready I learned that she was nervous to see dad. She had so many things she wants to say to him. She just wants answer on why he left.

Jennifer, Dana, and Zack get down here diner is almost ready, mom yelled from the kitchen. We all went down and we started to help with dinner. After I finished setting up the table I went in my room and grabbed my phone and headphones and stared listening to music. The first song that came up was Who are you by Jessie J. I stared humming to the song and then I hear the door bell.

Dana can you get the door while I finished up, my mom said

Ok, I said and opened the door. When I opened the door I saw a women around her 30s and a girl at the door. Then my mom came and introduce us and herself to them. Then my dad came with a tall boy behind him. When my dad finally moved to hug my mom I saw who the boy was.

Oh no, I said

I can't believe that one of my bullies were right in front of me.......


Can you guys guess who it is?

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