8✖️Mood Trackers

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Just a pre-warning:
This chapter may class as slightly gruesome? It isn't exceptionally bad because I'm not really the type of person for that anyway.


The pain.

Was excruciating.

"Get your fucking hands off her!"

Taehyungs voice. It was weak over my screams.

Tears poured out of my eyes as his scalpel sliced deeper. The disgusting sensation of my blood trickling down my neck was overcome by the unbearable pain above. After what felt like hours, I felt the scalpel remove itself from inside my neck.

"See! Hard part done that wasn't too bad was it Anna?"

I was still sobbing as the pain remained.

Mr Ropin began to speak however his words only flew straight through me; not acknowledging anything escaping his vile mouth. "Just one last thing Anna. I'm going to experiment this mood tracker on you two. One I've inserted it into the neck, it will register your nerves and pulse for us to track your moods."

Without warning, the pain in my neck escalated. My cries remained as I felt a thin strip enter the newly made opening, "there we go! Now, because I'm nice, I'll put you to sleep while I stitch your neck, you won't be asleep for long though; I'll put a tiny bit of anaesthetic in your blood and we're good to go!"

A small prick was felt in my hand, practically unnoticeable due to the stabbing sensation in my neck. Everything about this man made me want to vomit; his fake, sickly smile and charming personality. This place isn't what it says it is.

It's far from it.

My thoughts were clouded as the anaesthetic began to kick in, a tickle was felt up my arm as it travelled through my veins. It hits you hard. It felt as if I was sinking through the bed, all my muscles shutting down one by one.



Ear piercing screams.

Not just any scream.

Deep, low pitch, pain filled screams.

Taehyungs scream.

My surroundings gradually came back to reality; focussing on the circling sound. My eyes remained shut as I recalled the events before my awakening. I began to turn my neck to face Taehyung, only reminded by the situation I suffered before. My neck was bandaged and tight, very limited to my movement.

I couldn't check to see if Taehyung was alright, I just had to sit and listen to his screams.

"Ah, Anna! Welcome back!" Mr Ropin noticed my once again conscious state. "Perfect amount of anaesthetic, enough to cover the stitching process yet not too much. Don't want you to miss the show of course!"

"You're sick." Were the only words that managed to escape my mouth. My words were hoarse and weak as my body still wasn't fully together.

"Don't get in my bad book Anna."

He continued on Taehyung who was groaning all throughout our tiny chat. "Time for anaesthetic Tae Tae!" He disgustingly skipped to the drug.

"Go— fuck yourself." I heard Taehyung inhale a deep breath, strengthening himself to fire shots at the surgeon.

"Now, now. You'll wake up soon Taehyung."

After several painful and difficult attempts to rotate my head to my right, I was able to watch the current scene, blood streaming out of the inversion created in Taehyungs neck. He eyes were slowly shutting themselves as the drug travelled through his veins.

"You don't want to watch this Anna, hold on." Mr Ropin opened the large metal door, propping it open with his foot as he called for a group of assistants.

A collection of five nurses walked in, none of them looked friendly whatsoever. My chains were unlocked, I stretched in freedom- remembering to be cautious of my new wound.

The surgeon fixed his focus back on to Taehyung, stitching up his neck.

"Get up then." One of the nurses snapped, do they realise what's just happened?

"Bloody hell, I'm trying."

"Don't ever talk back to her like that. You'll get the whip otherwise."

The whip? They whip people here?

This place is stomach turning.

After a painful journey to the unknown destination, I was literally shoved into a pitch black room, stone walls, no windows or furniture. The only seat I had was a concrete floor. A woman flicked the switch, stimulating a dull light in the centre of the room.

It was better than nothing.

"Taehyung will be with you when the surgeon has completed his experiment."

I began to nod my head, immediately pausing as she began to speak again.

"Or should I say V."


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