Chapter Three

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Leah's POV

  "Does everyone know what to do?" I called, reaching for the small metallic device.

  "Affirmative," everyone chorused.

  I was currently standing in the middle of a room full of highly trained scientists, all middle aged. I'm still more heartbroken than ever, but have decided this is for the best.

  Honestly, I don't think I will ever be happy again. Not without Jason. But he's not one to say something he doesn't mean, and I guess I must respect that. The only thing left for me to do is fulfill what I had originally dedicated to my parents.

  So here I was, dressed in shaggy brown clothes, my hair pulled up into a dingy brown worker's hat. I was wearing no shoes, because I thought it was for the best. Not many people could afford them, where I'm going. Or... WHEN I'm going.

  "Alfred, if my heart rate rises above twice as much as a normal one, cancel the whole thing. And if word gets out to anyone about this device, I will come back just to murder you," I threatened.

  Laughs were heard around the room, and although I was trying to lighten the mood, I didn't so much as smile. I don't think I could smile anymore, not that I deserved to.

  "Okay," Alfred says, his hand hovering over the switch. "Begin countdown. Ten, nine, eight..."

  I began to zone out, and clear my mind, as a single tear fell down my cheek from thinking about officially leaving behind Jason. But it didn't matter anyway. He doesn't love me anymore. He said so himself. Okay, I need to think about the time period to go to. Medievil ages, here I come.

  "Three, two, one. Initiate time travel."

  And just like that, I could feel a pinprick where the blood was drained from my arm, and at the same moment, the air was completely knocked out of me. I kept my eyes closed, because I had suspected it would probably hurt like hell if I kept them open. It did anyway, but still.

  I got a powerful migrane, and my ears wouldn't stop popping. But all the same, all the cords around me restrained me from clutching my head in pain. I could only take it for a couple short moments before I blacked out completely.


  When I finally came to, all I saw was blurry green objects. Maybe some brown and blue colors mixed in here and there... Whatever was happening, it wasn't good. I could hear people talking nearby, and I ran my hands over some rotted wood, getting a couple of splinters in the process. I could feel a sort of swaying motion, and could hear a clopping noise coming from not too far away. Horses.

  And that's when I realized: I was in a horse drawn carriage.

  I sat bolt upright, and quickly rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. Forest. Forest everwhere. Except for the single dirt path we were following. Wait. WE?

  I swerved my head around, analyzing each and every person sitting in the small wagon. I tried to back away from them all, and into a corner on the floor (seeing as all the seats were taken), but something restrined me. I looked down at my wrists to see ropes tied tightly around them, already leaving rope burn behind.

  Oh shit. How am I supposed to communicate with these guys? I don't even know how they spoke in the medievil ages. I'm a person of science, not history!

  There were three other men in the back of the carriage with me, all tied up as well. The one nearest me had very dark skin, a military haircut, and dark brown eyes. He looked extremely buf, and around twenty years of age, three years older than me. The second, sitting on the other side of the first, was about my age, with a nice tan, an even bigger build, brown shaggy hair, and scars all up and down his arms. The man to the left of me was fairly pale, with little to no muscle, and blondish hair. He looked to be scared as hell. I made sure to especially keep away from him, because it smelled like he just shit his pants.

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