Why pretend?

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As the final members of the group had arrived and everyone was introduced to eachother and all the rules were understood and everyone had their partners it was time for training to start. As there weren't enough students for young Melanie to be paired up with anyone she was paired with none other than Jeff Hardy. As she stood infront of him, she had to quickly get herself prepared and over the fact that the man before her was her idol; act animated to the fact and just blow them away. As the two of them got ready, they were beginning with basic aerobic type moves, she quietly stretched her legs waiting for him to tell her what she was meant to be doing as he said he would show her the ropes as it were. She watched him, putting on a straight face so he couldn't read her as easilly as her little brother always could before she had to leave him, he demonstrated a sprinboard effect with his feet, smiling supportively urging her to try.

He smiled to himself as he saw her excecuting it quite perfectly; he had to admit that she quite good, the way she flexed her legs and arms at the same time, like a a lionness coiled for attack. He didn't know how he had missed her the year before when he visited the school, he had a look around the school, she was a welcoming sight after the past students he had watched over the past few months, he was glad to see that their recruitment was going to be better this time. He then quietly went onto teaching her dropkicks from the turnbuckle, for this they were using a punch bag which Matt placed in the middle of the training ring,  her movements were pretty much that of someone who had been taught from a young age, he watched her wondering how she had got as good as she was. He was looking around seeing the other girls struggling slightly with the moves that the woman before him had done rather perfectly, he looked back to her to find she was standing watching him in wonder and she spoke for the first time "God, if all trainers stare at their students when they're training then help us all". She giggled and went back to her high flying dropkicks, always hitting the punch bag in the same area and landing like a feline.

With a shake of his head as he watched her, Jeff chuckled, "so a guy can't look at someone beautiful without getting got at by a young woman?".

Melanie held back a giggle as she looked around to the others, taking in their perfect feautures and hearing their complaints about their hair getting messed or damaging nils they had just got done "Yeah yeah, if you like that sort of thing I suppose". She hadn't realized that her body was having a different reaction than what her expression had been showing to him being there; her cheeks were now a sudden burning red. Admittedly if it wasn't for the rumour of him getting married and the other people in the room, she probably would have ran to him excitedly, but she didn't want to embarass herself or make it uncomfortable for him. " So what next sir? Want me to run some laps for being cheeky?" He shook his head, not really sure what to say as the others definately needed to catch up with the progress as this was to be a big opportunity for them to be selected for a Wrestling Company,  an opportunity that only comes by so often and for most people it only comes once.

As she was about to say more to Jeff, the voice of his older brother as he finished walking around the other pairs "Take a break guys, maybe a break will help you stretch thos muscles for more training, get a bite to eat and we will see you in 15 minutes!" She did her best to ignore the murmurs and pushes as she left the room to go for a walk and to get herself an energy booster bar which she always had during training, but she never was good with ignoring bullies especially when they go too far by making it personal. Jeff smiled slightly as watched her leaving, shaking his head at the behaviour of the other students, he then walked outside with his brother walking towards the canteen "I don't get it bro, they are supposed to be the best in high flying from the school but only one of them actually knows the moves we demonstrated today".

Matt nodded getting himself a water "Nerves maybe ... She seems quite unaffected by it all or it's just a show". He looked to his little brother who's gaze was seemingly in the distance, as he followed his brothers gaze he had seen Melanie getting kicked in the stomach by one of the blondes from the class, before Melanie could defend herself she was ambushed by the others and left leaning by the wall covered in bruises but she didn't cry, she refused to let them win, Matt sighed "Now that's what we call jealousy.."

10 minutes later as the brothers were preparing for the next part of the class, everyone filed in one by one acting like they were surprised to not see Melanie in the room as they all one by one asked "Where's your partner Jeff?" Before the younger brother could answer there was a small cough at the door which had everyone turning to see what was an unexpected sight.

"Jeff's partner is right here... A few bruises and a busted rib has never stopped me before and it wont stop me now". She gave Jeff a quick smile before putting on a mask of no expression, she had seen him and Matt watching what happened to her so she said nothing more as she slowly walked to the ring, she tried not to show that it hurt to move.

Jeff  smiled slightly as he stood infront of her after and and Matt demonstrated the next activity "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Melanie shrugged as she tried not to wince at the pain as she got herself in position "I'm fine, I didn't want to miss this experience".

He watched her as she jumped up light on her feet, doing a double spin kick to the kick bag as he held it still, he saw pain in her eyes as she did the move but she never let it show as hshe continued. She was excited about all the different move sets they were carrying out which even though she was covered in different bruises she was still able to pull it off. As lunch time came along Melanie was having dificulty to walk as the pain had gotten just about too much for her to hide anymore, as she refused any help Jeff shook his head in disbelief as she tried to force herself to walk, he couldn't understand why she was pushing all help aside and pretending like it wasn't bothering her, but still he couldn't help but be impressed by her, she was just an amazing performer, definitely worthy to be a Diva but he wondered if her place was WWE rather than TNA.

Jeff shook his head as he slid out of the ring "Okay then, I'll just walk with you to the canteen for lunch...". He followed her towards the canteen with Matt trailing behind, he wanted to take her to the medic but she wouldn't have it. He looked away as he noticed her glancing back at him. As they walked into the canteen together, Melanie had ignored the countless number of stares and whispers which had mainly came from the girls that were in her group. She had ignored them until she had almost lost it as they spoke of her parents divorcing because of her and how no one trusted her, not even her parents with her younger brother, she looked over to Jeff who was now ordering himself something.

As they mimicked her and mocked her saying she was a blubbering cry baby she turned back to them suddenly having the will to stand up for herself "You know what, you're probably right about that, my parents divorced because their daughter got herself erolled into college, almost got herself a career in art and was the head cheerleader, oh and because their daughter was the youngest to get her black belt in Karate". As Jeff paid for his lunch, he turned to see Melanie walking out the canteen without any food, she wasnt running away just making her point.

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