First Day of School

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Finn's POV
Today I woke up knowing I'm gonna see my best friends Seth & John. I decided to wait for Becky & Charlotte to walk to school because I don't wanna be bullied by Brock Lesnar.

Becky's POV
"I am The Man" I told my bestie Charlotte. "So I'm the Queen!" She yelled back. Yeeeaaahh we haven't been getting along that well lately.
I can't wait to get to school because I need some alone time from her.

"Hey guys, you ready for the Bullet Club to take over WWE High School?" I asked my brothers Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson. "Damn Right We Are!" Karl Says as Luke Fist Bumps him.

*at school*
Seth's POV
I started walking into the building & the first thing that happens is that Asshole Lesnar bullying John Cena.
I pry Lesnar off of cena. "Get lost Rollins," he said, "or I'll rip your arms off!" "BROCK!" We both heard coming from our principal Mr. McMahon. I took this as an opportunity to get john & run for it.

John's POV
After Seth Saved me we went to see our best friend, Finn Balor, when the bell rang. "Fuck!" Seth says. "Oh well, see ya" I tell him. Then I rush to class.

Sasha's POV
Bayley & I started going to class. As soon as we walked in class I started to try & find a seat. While I was finding a seat I found Him. It's like I'm put with Seth on purpose. I immediately sit with Seth & he smiles. I Blush a deep red & look down trying to hide it.

No one's POV
Everyone sat down so the math teacher, Shawn Michaels, stepped in.
"Today we have new students" he said. "Here they are to introduce themselves".

The First one was wearing a black leather jacket with shaggy hair.

"Sup I'm Dean!" He said. "Don't mess with me!"
The next guy looked kinda beasty & tan. "I'm Roman Reigns. I will pass this bitch, BELIEVE THAT!" He says to the class. "Dude you got to quit that" dean says. The third one had orange hair & dean seemed to like her. " I am The Man Becky Lynch." She said
"The Man? Really?" I thought to myself. The fourth one had blonde hair & dressed like a queen. "Hey I'm Charlotte & I-" she said & I cut her off.
"Charlotte?!!?" I asked. "You know me?" She asked me. "Yeah! I even know your father Ric." I replied

Dean's POV
Boy did I find a new reason to like school: Becky. She's beautiful & I love her already with this whole "The Man" thing. I wonder what Roman thinks of Charlotte😉.

I'm with Roman in the halls & we bump into a kid we met earlier.
"Sorry Guys" he said. I get a clear view of him. He was wearing a "Burn it Down" shirt. "It's ok." Roman says & I agree. "I'm Dean, this is Roman." I tell him. "Seth" the kid tells us. I shake his hand while Roman nods. "Wanna Hang out sometime Seth?" Roman asks. "Sure I'd love to." Seth responds.

Paige's POV
I'm walking in the hallway & I bump into Luke Harper & Erick Rowan. Harper is known as the nicer of the two. "Hey what's going on" Luke asks me. "Not much. You" I ask him. "No but you better watch it!" Erick tells me. "Erick can there be a time where your NOT an Asshole?" Luke spits at him. "Whatever I'm gonna find ember." Erick says grabbing a sheep mask. "What's he gonna do?" I Ask Luke. "Probably get his Ass whooped" he laughs.

Carmella's POV
I'm Looking around & Erick Rowan jumps outta nowhere & scares me.
"Rowan, you dick!" I yell. "Sorry I thought you were ember" he says. I beat his ass & I drag him to his Smarter friend, Luke Harper.
"I was Right" Luke yells.
"About?" I Ask confused? "That he was gonna get his Ass kicked if he tried that!" He answers.

*music class*
Bayley's POV
I'm in music class cause I wanna play really happy music. "Bayls Did you hear?" I heard someone whisper. I turn around & it's my best friend (and crush) Finn Balor. "What?" I Ask. "Erick Rowan got his Ass kicked by Carmella!" He says & I couldn't help but laugh. Our music teacher then comes out. "Hello I am Elias" he says.

We learned some really cool things. I can't wait to make children's songs!


Daniel's POV
I can't wait to start. It's been how long since I've been in the gym. But I can tell Dean didn't wanna be here. He told me he wants to train at the desert. That guy is something else.

Billie's POV
Me & Peyton are gonna make this school... ICONIC!

A/N: I Fucking hate these chicks.

Seth's POV
I was sitting with Roman & Dean when The Bullet Club Came around. "Hey Shrimpy Seth!" AJ told me. "Who are your loser friends?" "We're the guys who are gonna kick your ass if you don't leave!" Roman says.
The Bullet Club left us which is A smart move by them. "Thanks Bro." I told him & he nods. Just then Sasha came by. "Hey Sethie" she says. "Sethie?" Dean questions. "It's a nickname I use for him." She says.

Dean's POV
I Can't help but be intrigued by this girl all over Seth. I gotta admit Seth is lucky to get a hottie like her.
"Oh sorry. I'm dean & that's Roman." I tell her. "Sasha" she said.
"Just 2 more classes bro." Roman tells me. "WHY CAN'T IT BE OVER ALREADY!??!" I Yell.

*End of School"
Seth's POV
I'm ready to go hang out with dean & Roman when I'm stopped by my other friends John Cena & Finn Balor. "Hey John & I Are gonna see Venom. Wanna come?" Finn asks me. "Sorry I'm hanging with Roman & Dean today" I tell them. "Ok Maybe next time." John says. "see ya tomorrow!" I tell them.

Time to hang with dean & roman.

End of Chapter 2

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