~Chapter 6~

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I waited for her to say something, but she doesn't, making me feel even more shitty about the situation. Out of no where, she stepped closer to me, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me gently.


I freeze. This isn't nearly what was expected. All the subtle anger, anxiety and sadness dissipated into my being, leaving me with the thoughts of confusion.

Yes. Confusion, for lack of a better word. I could have sworn that I just fucked everything up with this girl, but no. Here we are. Her lips pressed gently on mine.

Her lips. Soft. Sweet. Calming.

Wait. She's kissing me! I'm just standing here like a dork! What do I do?!

Without thinking further of my actions or of the future consequences I may have, my eyes shut as I gently kiss her back, our lips perfectly moving in sync with one another.

My arms gently slide to her waist. The feeling inside was of great caution. I felt as though if I touch her, she would break, like a delicate flower. Hopefully, Jessie doesn't notice.

But she didn't, thankfully. If anything, this kiss only got deeper and slightly more intense. Although my eyes were closed, I felt as though we were being watched.

This moment lasted. It lasted a long while. But we did eventually break apart. Both parties, her and I, were greatly out of breath. Once our eyes opened, we notice the crowd we have gathered.

The group of people surrounding us broke into a loud applause, people whistling and shouting things like 'congratulations' and such.

Soon, I notice Jessie. Her lips slightly parted and tugged into a smile. A blush had formed on her cheeks at all the sudden attention. My heart melted. Jessie is worth so much to me, and now she knows it. Now the world knows it.


About an hour later, we found ourselves back at my house, free from the crowd and it's gaze. It was difficult to speak, as we both sat there in silence.

Honestly, I had embarrassment running through my veins. Jessie's facial expressions showed minimum, they were practically unreadable.

Our silence is unbearable, but I was too nervous and self absorbed with myself to do anything about it. Or... maybe I could just... I don't know. Take it back?

Just as I turn to her to say god knows what, she turns to me as well. I search her eyes for answers, but I receive none, until her soft voice speaks.

"Sam..." Oh god her voice wasn't hopeful at all. This could be all, end all. "Sam... I don't know what to say to you right now..." With every word she said, her voice quivered tremendously.

She looked at me, but not with the sweet and soft eyes. Her eyes looked terrified. The way her eyes shut as she inhaled, like some horrendous news was about to be laid in front of me. My chest got tight, breathing became far more difficult.

"I can't do this..." She stood hastily, heading straight for the door with her clutch in hand. Before I realized my actions, I stepped before her. The anger I felt began to boil within me, yet again.

"You can't do what, Jessie?! I told you I loved you! YOU kissed ME!" I felt my voice start to raise with each word, but once again my heart was being torn from my chest.

Her eyes were beyond the terror from moments ago. Her face ran pale and her body froze, but I continued to talk, to pour my heart out even. Personally, I could have figured out a better way to say all this, but I'm hurt. Logical thoughts weren't happening, but I continue to yell.

These words continued to pour out of my raging body, my thoughts still not set straight. When I break for a moment to catch my breath, Jessie stared ominously at me. Now my anxiety is mixed with the anger.

She turns to the door once again, and walks out.

And I don't stop her.


I spent the next countless hours calling her phone, leaving messages and and sending text messages that I know she won't read. I really did it this time. If I would have just kept my mouth shut and asked her why she 'couldn't' in a nicer, calmer way. I should have been more reasonable.

This really is my fault. Right from the very start. Right when I left Woodbury. If I didn't get expelled, I wouldn't have came here. I wouldn't have fallen in love as I have now.

Stupid stupid stupid...


The following Monday, I search for her. I search the halls, our shared classes, cafeteria's and locker areas. Jessie is no where to be found.

Going to her house would be odd, but I'm finding no other choice in the matter. I should definitely give her space for a little while first, but I don't think I could manage myself long enough. My senses are exploiting that I'm being clingy. Like a lost puppy dog.

What's the worst that can happen? She won't answer the door? She'll call the police or something? It's worth a shot I guess. I don't even know if she's even alive and breathing.


Right as the school bell rang for the day, I sprint to the front of the school, and out the doors. Running past people, down the labyrinth of streets to Jessie's house.

In 6 minutes, I find myself in front of her house. Something seems off. The house looks abandoned. Police caution tape gently blew in the wind attached to the fence before her yard and door.

In extreme panic, I trespass and instantly go to the door. My fist pounds aggressively on the door a few times, with no answer. The banging I was creating went more vigorously, knocking at a constant rate.

This is no use. I should try and open the door.

My heart suddenly sank to my stomach as I hear a movement behind me.



Well. That's not good. Where has Jessie gone and why is there police presence at her house???

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I love you all!!


Words: 1056

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