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I fell over onto the floor and grabbed the toilet seat. I leaned over it and started coughing. Not one, not two, but three white rose petals fell out from my mouth. My throat burned in pain as they slipped out.

"T-Tae" I peeked up through my bangs. Jimin stood in the doorway quivering. "J-jimin! I'm fine..." Jimin shook his head frantically, "N-no your not! I just watched you throw up flower petals! Tae what the hell is going on!?"

I started to cry. A lot. Jimin dropped to the floor and held onto me as I sobbed into his chest. "Shh..it's okay Taetae...what's going on?" I looked up at him with red swollen eyes, "I don't know Jimin, I really don't..."

"When did this start?" I thought about it. "Y-yesterday..." He nodded and pulled out his phone to call Yoongi. I stopped him, "N-no, please...I don't want anyone else to know, yet."

"Very well, but if it gets worse I am going to tell them." I agreed. He helped me up from the floor and into my bedroom. I laid down on my bed and grabbed my phone.

"I'll go get some water. If they ask I will tell them you have a stomach bug." I smiled at him, "Thank you so so much Jimin!" He left the room so I opened google and looked up some things.

Coughing up flower petals
45 results

I clicked on the first website. It was some type of hospital thing. It had a lot of information on other diseases as well. However only one of them really caught my eye.

The Hanahaki disease —

The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals.

My eyes widened. That's when I realized. The reason that I am coughing up flower petals is because I am in a one-sided love with Jeon Jungkook.

It all makes sense now. I've liked him for years, of course I would never admit it to anyone...even myself but, the feelings were still there. Now that I think about it, I've been having problems only when I see him and Hobi hyung together.

I read some more on the disease before freaking myself out and turning off my phone. Jimin came in not too long after and handed me a cup of water.

"Drink." I thanked him and sipped the water. "So...they don't suspect anything." I nodded and stared off.

"Taehyung?" He questioned, "What's wrong?" I looked back over at him and frowned, tears slipping from my eyes.

"J-jimin...I think I am suffering from the Hanahaki disease."

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