♡ vingt et un ♡

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When Troye was eight weeks pregnant, morning sickness hit him at full-force. Meals with too much dairy or oils, not even specifically breakfast or in the morning for that matter, would have Troye rushing to the nearest bathroom or trashcan. It was evident that Jacob wasn't quite sure how to handle Troye getting sick by the way he would cautiously trail after the younger boy.

Much to Troye's relief the older man would always offer some form of comfort, usually stroking Troye's hair away from his face or rubbing his back in soothing circles. At nine weeks exactly, Troye had eaten breakfast that morning and was alright for a little while, but he had to rush out of Jacob's office to puke, which ended up with him brushing his teeth before being tucked into bed while Jacob went back to work. He'd been given ginger tea and a book to read, but Troye didn't like alone time anymore. He remembered back when he lived with his parents, his father would be working and Troye would plead silently that his mother would just leave him be. He'd hide out in his little cave of a room and he'd be content. But now he had Jacob.

Being with Jacob was so much better than being alone. So he laid in his and Jacob's bed sadly, curling up in a small ball in hopes that the nausea didn't come back so he could go back to Jacob's couch. However, after thirty minutes or so Jacob came to him. "How are you feeling pet?" Jacob asked from the doorway of the room, and Troye cautiously sat up to look at him. "I think I'm okay now, sir..." Troye said softly. "Do you need to work still, can I come back with you?" The Dom walked forward to sit next to Troye, "Well I do need to work, but I have to wait on emails all the time. They can wait for me for once. I've got more important matters." The sub blushed as Jacob reached out to cradle Troye's face with a single hand. "Do you want to go out? Buy some stuff for the babies?" Jacob asked, pulling back to check his back pocket for the wallet he kept there. Troye scrambled off of the bed with a large smile. "Yeah?" He asked already turning to put on more presentable clothes. There was a knock at the door and Troye paused at the closet door to watch Luke slowly walk in. Jacob greeted him, Luke was holding a glossy magazine in his hands and Troye watched as he handed it to Jacob. The Dom only had to look at the front page before his body went rigid. Troye wrung his fingers together, lowering his hands down to his now just barely poochy tummy. There wasn't much but with Troye looking at it every day, poking the pooch, he noticed as soon as his tiny tummy started to get hard with the babies instead of fat. "There's a video too, Nick Grimshaw wants an interview. I suggest you give it to him this time," Luke whispered to Jacob, Troye barely heard it but he did and as soon as Nick's name came out of Luke's mouth he was shaking his head. He hated the sub after his invasiveness a while back.

"What's wrong Sir?" Troye asked, stepping forward and across the room to try and glance at the magazine Luke had handed the Dom. Jacob handed the book to Troye with a long sigh. "I'll watch the videos. If it's not obvious that Troye said it then we'll deny. If it is, then we'll go. He's nine weeks along. Still months away from where we want him to be before we tell people but... the fucking asshole will end up here again and I can't have that," Jacob said turning to glance at Troye before walking out of the room.

Luke stayed to watch Troye slow reaction to the header on the glossy page. 'Don't let them hurt my babies' 'Troye Mellet, Sub of Jacob Bixenman, pregnant?' Troye was blown up, cowering away from the flashes on the page, eyes panicked and lips parted. "Jacob's not happy," Troye murmured, throwing the magazine down on the bed, sitting down next to it. He wasn't scared of telling everyone, he was doing everything he could do to make sure that the babies were perfectly fine and that no harm was coming to them. "He'll be fine. Getting over it is something that Jacob is going to have to learn how to do. The paps are going to get thicker and harsher, they don't care that you're pregnant Troye. They care about the pictures they can take of you, no matter how much pushing it takes.

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