♡ vingte-sept ♡

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Troye couldn't stop looking at his left hand. Every time he picked something up his eyes were drawn to the gorgeous ring Jacob had gotten him. He was engaged. Troye Mellet was engaged, soon to be Troye Bixenman. It had only been a few weeks since Jacob had proposed, and Troye still couldn't get enough of looking at his ring. To add to Troye's happiness, his babies were healthy. He'd made it into his third trimester, and his tummy was so incredibly large. In two more months they'd have their babies.

Luke had even helped with the development of their babies' organs by giving Troye steroid shots. The isolation room had been cleared to make space for painting and decorating whenever they could decide on a wall color. Dus had long since been told of the babies' genders and she constantly sent them baby clothes. Even Tommy and Luke occasionally surprised Troye with baby clothes. He'd developed quite the collection. With everything that had been happening, Troye's mind was in an excited overdrive. "I want to get married before we have the babies," Troye declared several weeks after the proposal while he and Jacob were laying down in bed, ready to sleep. "Before?" Jacob arched a brow. "Are you sure?" "I want to be Troye Bixenman on the birth certificate," Troye said insistently. The Dom hummed, rubbing a large hand over Troye growing belly, the twins shifted around, kicking at Jacob lightly. "They're twenty-eight weeks now, how about when they're thirty-two weeks? So, almost a month from now?" Jacob asked, nuzzling a nose into Troye soft neck, leaving behind a few kisses. "That's not too quick, right?" Troye asked, turning a little so he could try and get a look at Jacob's face.

"No, not too soon. I can hire the best," the Dom assured, leaning up a bit so he could kiss Troye. "We'll go to Dua's shop tomorrow and see about getting cribs?" Jacob asked and Troye was quick to nod. "I saw some black ones," Troye whispered, his voice seemingly too loud in the quiet house. "They were really pretty..." "We'll get them," Jacob kissed Troye's shoulder closing his eyes. However, Troye was suddenly pushing himself up and moving carefully to face Jacob rather than letting the Dom spoon him. Jacob's eyes flashed open in surprise as Troye wiggled down beneath the covers, feeling his way down Jacob's torso until he reached the waistband of Jacob's boxers.

Jacob's pulled the covers of himself, his eyebrows raised. "Pet..." "Can I suck you off?" Troye asked hopefully. "We only had sex like two hours ago," Jacob laughed. "Come up here and go to sleep." Troye sneakily palmed at the Dom's cock, "Just like... five minutes..." "Don't make me punish you Troye," Jacob said firmly. However, Troye sat back up with a pout, crossing his arms over his chest. He was determined to get what he wanted, and he wanted Jacob's dick in his mouth,

"Maybe I want to be punished." "Do you want me to leave you here all alone to go sleep on the couch?" Jacob still didn't look very angry, and Troye half wondered how far Jacob would let him go. He knew his Dom really wasn't one for patience. "You wouldn't leave me all alone..." Troye shook his head. "

I want to suck your dick." "Pants off, kneel by the headboard," Jacob growled firmly. "I'm going to get a paddle, bad boys get spankings, and they don't get my hand or my dick." Troye blinked in surprise, because he hadn't exactly expected that. He liked spankings if Jacob wasn't actually angry with him, they were a good hurt, and he especially liked what came afterwards. So he stripped as fast as he could, making sure to be kneeling and ready for Jacob when the man came back.

As Jacob walked back into the room, closing the door behind him, Troye craned his head around and took one hand off of the headboard to rub his tummy. "How many spanks?" "Hush," Jacob growled. "You're going to count and I'll stop when I want to." Troye's eyes widened, his dick twitching in interest, "Yes sir." "No talking unless you're saying numbers," Jacob huffed. Troye shifted a little, moving his hand from his tummy to place it on the headboard in front of himself. Jacob was hiding the paddle he had behind his back, but Troye felt as Jacob climbed onto the bed behind Troye, and he shivered as Jacob ran the smooth paddle over his bare bum.

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