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Aladdin's POV

I woke up to the sight of Jasmine peacefully sleeping next to me. It's nice to see her rest, it's been a little impossible since we found out about the baby. It's been about a month since we told the kids and they literally have not left her side. Actually, I think this is one of the few times where they haven't woken us up early... yeah, it's been rough.

Jasmine's belly is already showing, it's a bit bigger than the last two. Maybe it's just the fact that her body's already been through it so it's just easier to grow I guess. She's been a bit cranky too, calmer in the past week but phew, I couldn't move a thumb without having her be annoyed, kind of glad she seems to be past it.

I noticed she opened her eyes. "Morning, princess." I said as I pulled her towards me.

"Morning, you look really hot but your breath stinks so please go brush your teeth before you kiss me." She said as she pushed my face away. I rolled my eyes. "Yeeze I can't even kiss my wife good morning?" It hadn't really surprised me, she'd been less affectionate recently.

"Not with that breath that's for sure. But I do want that kiss." I heard her say from our bed, which truly surprised me. I quickly brushed my teeth and headed back to bed.

"Wow you actually love me today, can't pass this up." I said as I sat on the bed.

"Shut up, I love you every day, today I just want you a little bit more that's all." She said and proceeded to sit on top off me.

"Ahh so we're at that stage of the pregnancy..." I said to her as I smirked. Jasmine had many moods when she got pregnant but her lust was obviously one of my favorites.

"Oh shut up." She said she pressed her lips against my neck, dangerously close to my sweet spot. I couldn't hide my audible moan. Quickly I flipped us over to where I was ontop of her.

"You know, I love you so much." I said before I pulled up her shirt and kissed every bit of her stomach. I saw her bite her lip. Her hands reached up to my face and pulled me in for a small peck.

She then got closer to my ear and whispered, "Show me you love me."

She grinned at me as my hands slowly slid down from her waist to her inner thigh but before I could make another move, a knock on our door interrupted us. "Ugh please, not today." I heard her say in an annoyed voice as I removed myself from on top of her and went to open the door.

"Morning Sir, is the princess descent?" I heard Hakim ask.

"Uhh not right now Hakim...is it urgent? She can be ready in a few minutes if thats the case." I responded.

"She has to attend some matters having to do with the shipments arriving later today. It's best if she can deal with it as soon as possible." I looked back at Jasmine who nodded her head and mouthed the word "No" to me as she made an annoyed face.

I sighed. "She'll be down in a few."

I saw her throw her hands in the air as I closed the door.

"What about no don't you understand? We were busy?"

"We can get busy later but right now you have to be responsible and attend your duties as Sultan." I said as I sat down next to her. I noticed she rolled her eyes at me.

"Whatever" She said as she got up and went to get dressed.

I rolled my eyes at her, getting use to this again was such a challenge. Jasmine and I never argue, but right now I couldn't hold it in.
"Look don't be mad at me, it's not my fault you have your responsibilities. I would've loved to stay in bed all day but I have to set my feet on the ground and realize I can't be keeping you from your things all the time JUST because you can't control your emotions Jas. Gosh, I can't believe a carrying child has made you this dificult"

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