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Sahara's POV

Abu woke me up as he jumped on my pillow. "Hey there little guy, good job." I gave him some fruit for doing as I asked. He was most definitely the best alarm ever.

My feet tingled as the felt the cold floors for the first time this morning. Slowly, I tiptoed out of my room and into my parents. There laid my mom, on my fathers chest as she held her belly with one hand. For seconds I admired her beauty. She truly was the prettiest woman in Agrabah. Gently I tapped her arm. "Mommy, wake up." I whispered to her.

She moved her head towards me and yawned. "What time is it baby girl? Why are you awake, are you okay?" She slowly sat up.

"We have to get ready to go to the market place remember!"

"Sari honey it's six in the morning, and your mommy needs rest."

I pouted. "I can't sleep anymore, I'm too excited. Unless...." I smiled at mom. She raised her eyebrow while smiling at me.

"Hop on." I got into bed with her and my father. "Come here." Feeling her warm embrace I snuggled up next to her. She softly played with my hair until I was able to drift off into sleep again.

Before I knew it, I felt a my mom rubbing my belly to wake me up again.

"Come on honey, let's go eat breakfast." She sat down next to me.

"Already?" My eyes lit up. My mom laughed.

"Yeah, already! Come on the foods going to get cold and baby is hungry."

"Oh alright!" I jumped out of bed and ran to the dining hall where I ran into Lian.

"Hey where were you this morning, you weren't in your room. She said curiously.

"I was in my parents room. I couldn't fall back asleep."

"Ugh lucky, mom and dad don't let me do that anymore unless I'm like dying or something."

I looked back at her confused. "Aren't you 10 Lian?"

"Yeah and you're 8 so what?"

"Whateves, anyways my moms taking me to the market place after this!"

"No way, can I come with?"

"Girl, my mom had to beg my father so next time, I promise. Plus, I'm going to see Kairo."

"Girl no way you're still talking to that guy."

"Shhh only mom knows. And she only knows a bit okay."

"Wait Jasmine found out?"

"Yeah, she met him the day they opened the palace."

"And he found out you were the princess?"


"Damn, you royals have great lives."

"Oh stop, it's not as great as you think." I finished my food. "Mom, I'm going to go change"

"Alright, want me to help?"

"No it's fine Lian's coming." She looked back at me as she ate.

"I am?" I made eyes at her. "I mean, I am." Lian got up and followed me.

"So as I was saying, it's not as great, it's just... complex."

"Complex? What's that mean?"

"It means like something is difficult. I read about it in a book."

"Hmm a smarty."

"Any who, it'd be so much more fun to be outside all the time." I looked out my balcony. "Imagine being... free."

"Honey the world isn't all rose petal baths and baklava. It can be dangerous believe me. That's why I don't go out there with you. I don't know how you've managed to escape so many times without anyone noticing."

"I mean, it wasn't that hard, my mom was always busy being sultan and my dads busy. Like don't get me wrong my parent's are always there but, ever since you guys got here it's different."

"How come?" Lian sat on my small bench outside.

"I don't know, I guess we're more united. Also the baby thing helped."

"That's weird, your parents seem close to you guys."

"They are. It's just for a while they weren't and I don't know I guess escaping the palace was my way to cope with it."

"Damn Sari but jumping that fence more than 15 times is a lot, didn't you get sca—"

"Who jumped the fense 15 times?" My moms voice startled us both. "You've left the palace 15 times?" She raised her voice at me but took a pause. "Lian sweetie, would you mind giving us a minute?" Lian quickly nodded and walked out as my mom sat on my bed and burried her face in her hands.

I quickly ran up to her. "Please don't tell bubba, he'll never let me do anything ever again." I cried to her. "Please don't be mad, I was just curious."

"Sahara, honey, I'm not mad, I'm just... disappointed. Why didn't you tell me you wanted to go out all this time? I thought you trusted me and your dad..."

I could see the disappointment in her face. "I just, I don't know, you were always so busy, and I knew you or dad wouldn't let me so I just decided to do it myself. Nothing bad has ever happened mom I swear. I only ever walk around or...." I contemplated whether I should tell her or not.

"Or... what?"

"I visit Kairo sometimes, his mom is very nice and she makes us tea and gives us dates to snack on."

"Oh sweetheart, you can't keep doing that okay. It's not safe."

"I'm sorry mom, but really its not that bad out there."

"Sahara it's not all as nice as it seems either. Now you have to promise you won't do that anymore."

"But mom, what about my friends? I won't be able to see them anymore."

"You can invite them here."

I nodded in denial. "Mom they don't know I'm the princess... it's awkward, they don't all like us." I sighed. "Why won't you understand?" I yelled at her frustrated.

"Hey watch your tone young lady. I understand more than you know, but theres boundaries and they're not meant to be crossed are we clear?" I felt my heart drop, my mom never got angry.

"Why are you yelling at me? I hate the palace it's no fun, why do I have to be miserable because you're sultan. I hate being royalty, you all suck! I don't ever want to be sultan, I don't want to be here with anyone!" I could feel my palms sweating from my rant.  Immediately, I saw my mom's emotion completely change. Her face had now gone from angry to hurt.

"I can't believe you just—"

"Hey, hey what's going in in here?" My dad walked in and interrupted.

"Nothing, I don't feel well, I'm going to lay down for a while." My mom put her hand on her belly and walked out, completely ignoring my dad.

My dads mood shifted. "You and I are going to have a little chat." He pointed to me before he ran out of the room. "Jasmine wait up."

Great, now I'll really never be able to leave.


Hey guys! So i wanted to try the kids pov's, hope yall enjoyed!

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