C. 17.

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"Remember," Jin started, his eyes trained on you. "I'll be back in two hours. Not a second later."

You nodded your head frantically, your eyes darting around the area in which you were currently standing.

Two weeks.

You had been living with Kim Seokjin for two full weeks.

At first, you were completely uneasy about the entire situation, and that hadn't exactly changed...but over the past few weeks he had slowly begun to give you more and more freedom around the house and the grounds...he let you venture outside by yourself and wonder anywhere you liked...

But, of course, Jin took precautions, after all, he knew that you would high tail it away from him the second you got the chance to. And he wasn't wrong.

The instant you saw an escape, you were going to go for it.

After the first night with him, he had not made anymore threats or warnings. He always made sure you were provided for, he'd pick you out an outfit every day and tell the servants to take good care of you while he was away for work..which was quite often.

But, you certainly didn't mind him being away. You liked it when he wasn't around being all creepy and stuff...well "creepy" is a bit harsh...

Yes. Kim Seokjin was a terrible person. He was selfish, self-involved and all around a bad guy, but you couldn't help but feel slightly grateful for him.

Although he kidnapped you, he always took time out of his day to start a conversation with you and listen to your adventures around the house or he'd listen about the books you read. He had never once tried to force himself on you, although he had certainly tried to convince you a few times...he never pressured you.

It was odd...but you didn't hate him as much as you had the first day, although you were still itching to get away from him as quickly as possible.

It doesn't matter how nice or charming Seokjin is...You can never be happy if you aren't free.

Yesterday, when Jin came home, he informed you that he was hosting a gala for all his friends and family and "everybody who's anybody" will be there...so you were to look presentable.

You assumed that he would drag a seamstress into the house to take your measurements, but to your surprise, he said he was going to go out of town for the dress he had in mind...

You begged him to take you on the trip, but he said no...so the two of you came up with a compromise.

He would drop you off at the mall on his way to...well, wherever he was going...and you could stay and shop while he took care of business...then he would pick you up on his way back.

You remembered squealing in happiness at the thought of finally being free, but Jin was smarter than that and made certain "arrangements" for your trip out of the house.

First: He had stationed men on every single entrance and exit of the building.

Second: He gave you a walkie talkie and instructed you to call and check in every fifteen minutes, if you failed to do so, he would turn around and pick you up instantly.

Third: He tapped into every phone inside the mall, so if you tried to call for help, he would know.

Fourth: He placed a specially designed bracelet on your wrist, which would alert him if you somehow managed to leave the building.

You were actually impressed with his planning skills...he was definitely making it harder for you..but you were just glad to finally be around other people.

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