C. 20.

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"You're seriously going to kill me?"

"You're an unnecessary risk. You must die."

"I-I can change. I'll help you. I'll change teams and help you kill them."

"It's too late for that."

"Y/n, please."

"Prepare to die, Jeon."

With those last words, you pulled the trigger, ending the life of the man in front of you.

Jungkook let out an annoyed groan from beside of you his shoulders slumping as the large "Game Over" flashed on his side of the screen.

You let out a yell in victory, hands raising in the air as you did a small victory dance.

"In your face!" You gloated. "I totally destroyed you and your team!"

The silver-haired man rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest in annoyance.

"The only reason that you won, was because I was taking it easy on you." He stated.

You scoffed, rolling your eyes.

"Oh please," You started. "I won fair and square and you know it. You should never have challenged me, Jeon."

Jungkook huffed, pulling back the black curtain that separated the two of you from the world outside.

The two of you instantly hit it off.

After he managed to beat you in a game of air hockey, you two began to compete with each other for just about everything.

Oddly enough, the older of the two brothers still hadn't told you his first name...but you didn't exactly mind that...You were just happy to have a friend.

Louis took enjoyment in the fact that you weren't "fawning over his bubba" like all the other women did. The three of you played every game you could find, all the while a not-so-silent competition was going on between you and the silver-haired man.

When he decided to challenge you to a virtual reality game, you were admittedly nervous, but you would never let him see that. He was a pretty good shot, but you managed to kill off all of his team mates, until he was the only one left and then...you waited.

You waited until he got close enough...then you pounced.

You managed to catch him off guard and put him in his place before ending his life violently and killing his character off.

A laugh escaped you as you stepped outside of the gaming zone, your eyes falling to Louis, who was currently sleeping in his big brother's arms, his lips parted as soft snores sounded from him.

"I could've played better if I wasn't holding him." Jungkook mumbled to you.

You nodded your head in agreement, patting the young boy's head affectionately.

"You're probably right about that." You confirmed. "But, I would have still kicked your butt."

He snorted.

"Yeah right."

A frown fell over your features as your hand brushed over the walkie talkie that was currently sticking out of your back pocket. It was almost as if it was mocking you, reminding you that this happiness was only temporary.

You sighed.

It had been about fifteen minutes since you were last able to sneak around and contact him. You knew that your time with the two brothers was almost up and you certainly didn't want to cut it short by forgetting to contact your kidnapper.

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