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It was early one Saturday morning, an ash blonde teen was putting on a muscle shirt and shorts and tying his running shoes; Katsuki Bakugou was heading out for a morning jog as he needed to keep his legs in shape, he was going to jog to the park and do some push ups, sit ups, chin ups also. He heard a knock on his door and opened it and was surprised to see his boyfriend; Eijirou Kirishima up since he normally is asleep till two on weekends, he grins" hey Suki! I wondered if I could come jogging with you to the park" Katsuki arches his eyebrow" you sure you can keep up with me Shitty Hair, you can barely make it half way up a hiking trail" Eijirou crosses his arms and pouts" I can so do it! Watch me!" Katsuki rolls his eyes and grabs two water bottles" then you better keep up, not slowing down for your ass" he walks off to the front door. Eijirou grins and follows his hot headed boyfriend, it was a little cool out but that was ok, will help keep their bodies cool. Katsuki and Eijirou did leg stretches once they were outside then started jogging to the park which was fifteen miles.

The two finally got to the park, Eijirou panting and looked ready to fall but he kept pushing himself to keep up with Katsuki, they head to the bars that the park had for people who exercised, Katsuki started doing chin up, Eijirou fell on the grass and tried to catch his breath properly.

After calming down Eijirou started doing sit ups as Katsuki was doing push ups, holding himself with one hand then switching to the other, the sun was now in the sky. Katsuki looked at Eijirou" come sit on my back," Eijirou nods and sat legs crossed on Katsuki's back, they help one another with push ups, adding their whole weight on their backs and the other pushing up and down after twenty minutes they switched so Katsuki was on Eijirou's back now, Eijirou didn't spike his hair this morning since he knew he would be sweating a lot and would need a shower when they got back. The two trained their bodies till lunch then headed back to UA to shower and get some food, Eijirou grins" that was the best work out!" Katsuki smirks" surprised your noodle arms could even catch up" Eijirou nudges him" I do not have noodle arms they are strong and manly!" He flexes, nearby girls squealed loud with red faces as they saw Eijirou's arm muscle. Katsuki grabs his hand and pulls him into a kiss on the lips now Katsuki isn't one to show affection in public but when someone flirts with Eijirou or tries to he'll show them that Eijirou belongs to him and he was not sharing. Eijirou kisses back and laughed" I love your jealousy, it's great" Katsuki looks away, face a little red" I'm not jealous!! I... I just wanted to... to kiss you good morning is all!" Eijirou laughed and leans against Katsuki" whatever you say Suki."

KiriBaku Month 2019Where stories live. Discover now