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You started going back to your next class, the break time concluded awfully slower than any other day.

But then, you hear the same voice of the shy male, which made you halt again.

"Y/n,Wait! L-Let's go together. I mean...We have the same c-class right?" he stuttered, you just nod your head and signaled him to join.

Can they be anymore obvious? Hoseok had a hidden smile which made you question what was cooking in his mind. Rolling your eyes at Hoseok's silly expression, you left with Jungkook for singing classes whereas your best friend had his senior dance classes.

The walk through the hallway toward your class was extremely awkward. And the fact that the corridor— which was supposed to be filled with pupils— was now capable to be compared with an isolated desert. Made you a little bit anxious. 


"Y/n?" was he confident now? He didn't stutter out my name.

"Yes Kook- I mean, Jungkook?"

"Oh, it's alright if you call me Kook. It sounds okay." he assured. For some reason, it all felt tingly. Butterflies fly into my mouth, to my gut and even my stomach as I utter the nickname in my mind. I'm sure pink was dusted on my cheeks. Perhaps he noticed me as well, otherwise he wouldn't randomly dash off and leave me fumbled.

Did I forget to mention how juicy and thicc he actually is?

We reached our class and he being the innocent creature he is, held the door open for me to enter first, almost mimicking the words 'ladies first'.

Oh...that's why he dashed off.

"Um... Jungkook?"

"Y-yes?" he barely says it in a whisper.
"Wou-would you like to sit beside me for the day? I mean you're new right?" Ugh. Can I be anymore awkward? God give me the power to resist myself from pinching his cheeks now. Or just make him stop pouting while he drags his chair with one hand.


We both met Hobi at his dance classes and got the sweaty creature out from the room which looked like a sauna. It was suffocating, and the breath he took after we pulled him out must've recharged his lungs.

Mid way through the process, Jungkook was finding some trouble dragging the chair while both of his hands were occupied.

No one was there to question our actions. The chairs are free. The corridor is our rented space. And my best friend looked like he's going to pass out any second.

There was silence for a while.

Feeling a little awkward with the new guy, Hoseok and I look at each other and back at him. I clear my throat which caught his attention.


"Is it safe to ask you why you've transfered to this school?" I joked.

Keeping his head low, he chuckled.

Wait, why did I find that so cute and...sexy at the same time?

"Well...my...dad got transferred so..." how convincing. He ended it with an awkward yet cute smile.

"Ahh... I see"


"GOOD AFTERNOON CLASS!" Ms. Jung addressed us, and like good kids we wished her back. The class went on with me being distracted by my plethora of wonders. Mostly about the mystery which Jungkook had around him.

It was the last 5 min of our class and Ms. Jung dropped a NUCLEAR BOMB on us.

"Well kids, the class ends here and I have a surprise for you. I want you to perform a duet in the class, and the person sitting besides you is your partner, it's graded and the due date 10 days from today."

And may I inform you; Lee Jungkook is my assigned partner. I closed my eyes and sighed, but I didn't know I gave a wrong signal to the excited boy beside who was very eager to work with me. His smile faded right away.

The school was almost done and we were packing our bags to leave and that's when I saw Jungkook walking towards me.

"Hey y/n. Um...I was wondering if you could help me cope up with the syllabus, seems like I missed a lot of it and I need some help...."

"Sure, why not?"

There was an awkward silence, neither of us said bye, nor we said anything for that matter. My feet were grounded, and for some reason I did not want to go. We kept staring deep into each others eyes.

His gaze moved towards my lips but then we heard the door open, it was Ms. Lee (disciplinary incharge). We stared at each other for awhile. She decides to speak up, and believe me, I didn't like it. At all.

"Are you not going home..."
She asked with a frown on her face.

"We- we are Ms. Lee. Have a good day" I replied back to her, and turned to Jeongguk.

"Bye." I walked away as fast as I could.

Jungkook's POV:

I watched y/n walk away. Her soft hair was shining and her pony moved from side to side as she walked.
Truly speaking, I felt attracted towards her. Her almond eyes, plump pink lips, her cute small nose and oh, her attitude.

She is really something. She is completely different from everyone.

And I feel like I'm starting to like her.

Well, I need to manage my things now.

I head up towards my room but my mother's voice calls me out.

"Yes mother?" I asked, not meeting her gaze. I of course know what's coming up.

"Who was that girl Jungkook?" She showed a gray footage of me walking down the lane with Y/n. Say something, you idiot!

"She's a friend mother. Nothing more." well, yeah. That was true. She doesn't know my feelings towards her. Not just yet.

"She doesn't look like just a friend to me. Don't get laid. She seems like a gold digger. We can't afford to lose lives when your father will find out. Let that bitch live." she gave a cold warning along with a cold stare and left.

My hands were forming fists already but I managed hide them behind me to bow at her as she walked past me. Hissing in anger, I quickly ran upstairs.

"Argh!" I punched the wooden wall which made a small dent in it.

I need a fucking vent.

"Hello Taehyung hyung? Let's go to that club again."



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