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I'm a bad writer I'm so sorry

I'd been drawing all night and still I wasn't satisfied. After eating some chicken with Jisoo my head flooded with ideas, but as it turns out, creating a masterpiece like my last drawing wasn't easy at all. My conclusion was I didn't have the right materials. Or maybe I was just tired. Either way, I just couldn't get it right. I decided tommorow would probably be a better time to think about drawings, and I should probably get some sleep. It's the weekend, but I'd still prefer not to feel like a brainless zombie in the morning.

When I woke up the next morning, the first thing I checked was Instagram. This was daily routine to see if Lisa had maybe posted something. I know it sounds like I'm a stalker, and in truth, I kind of am. But I couldn't help being madly in love with everything she does.

There were no new posts from her personal account, but her agency updated with a few new 'Lisa's picks' outfits. A little squeal escaped my mouth when I saw the extraordinary outfits Lisa had put together. I loved fashion a lot and she inspired me every time. I screenshotted all the pictures and headed downstairs for breakfast.

"Goodmorning sweetie", my mom chimes. I greet her back and take out a pan to cook some eggs.

"Your uncle called yesterday, he missed you at work."

"...shit, I forgot"

To be honest, I had better things to do than work, but I'm turning 18 soon and I'll have to take care of myself someday. My uncle runs a small corner shop around the block, and he offered me a job there. Yesterday was going to be my first day there, but of course I forgot.

"He said he'll give you a second chance," mom announced. "tonight."

I groaned internally. I was planning on drawing tonight, but I kind of needed this job. So I nodded at mom and finished my breakfast.

The rest of the morning was spent on my bed. I had printed the new pictures of Lisa I liked most and spread them out on my pillow. My idea was to draw them all in one huge drawing. I picked three of the pictures and put them together. A smile crossed my face as ideas filled my brain. I could get started right now, but I promised myself I'd get the right supplies first.

It was Saturday, that means the stores weren't open as long as they are on weekdays. I should've remembered, because now I stood in front of a closed art store, in the rain. Work started in twenty minutes, and I was soaked. I looked through the window at the display. I spotted the pencils I had wanted to buy and seriously considered breaking in to get them. But then the alarm would go off and I'd get arrested and then Lisa would never want to date me. So I decided to just leave it and go to work instead. I'd just buy those stupid pencils another time.

I walked through street and tried to figure out where to go. I tried looking on my phone but I couldn't see anything because of the rain. A sigh escaped my mouth and I continued walking.

"Kim's corner shop...Kim's corner sho- oh, there it is!"

I ran to the small building with the bright neon sign decorating the entrance. I still had five minutes before work started, so I had made it in time. I chuckled in relief and went to the counter.

My uncle, Byung-woo, raised his head from his phone and smiled when he saw me.

"Jennie! You're here!"

"I'm still on time right?"

"of course, of course, follow me!"

I followed him to a small room in the back. It was a dressing room with bathroom. There were a few lockers to put your stuff in as well. He tossed me a towel and a shirt.

"Put that on and I'll meet you in a minute."

I nodded and dried my hair with the towel. I took off my soaked shirt and replaced it with the company shirt my uncle had given me. I checked myself in the mirror and decided polo shirts don't look good on me, at all. I checked my phone one last time before heading out the door, and saw there was a notification.

message from @/Lalalalisa_m

My heart skipped a beat. I had a message from Lisa. A private message. And I couldn't open it!

I heard my uncle call me from the shop. I jumped around and whined loudly. "Why?" I groaned.
Reluctantly, I put my phone in one of the lockers and went out with a heavy heart.

My uncle made me clean the shop. He gave me a mob and a bucket of water and told me he wanted to be able to see himself in the floor when I was done. I sighed and got to work. All I could think of was that message. What could be in it? Why send it to me?

I still had four more hours to go and I was slowly losing my mind. I was still cleaning the floor because I kept distracting myself with that message. There only a few costumers in the shop at the moment. I could hear my uncle talk to an elderly couple that came to buy ramen. He talked about the weather and how they should buy an umbrella to stay dry. My uncle was a business man alright.

An hour and a half passed and it was time for my break. I practically raced to the locker room. While fiddling with the key to my locker, my mind flooded with ideas of what the message could be. I opened the locker and almost dropped my phone when I took it out.

My heart was beating out of my chest and I felt a little lightheaded. It took me three times to get my password correct and another two times to click the right app. Finally, I had opened Instagram and clicked the button to my dms. And there it was, the message. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, then I opened the message:

Hey there! I'm hoping you can help me with something. I'm working on a new album and I was thinking of putting fanart on the cover. I was hoping you could draw a picture of me so I can put it on my album. Let me know if you want to, and I'll send you all the stuff you need 😊


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