I live in hell, NOW HOW DO I GET OUT!!?? part 3

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“Hey Arnold” “Hey Jen.”Arnold was basically Gods assistant, he is/was gay, which s awesome. He has to be about 60 to 70. He has ear length silver hair, and a big, white smile. Arnold and I sometimes talk about things before my appointments with God. The reason I can’t just go to heaven is because me and ivy are exactly alike, when I say exactly, I mean so exact the true God couldn’t tell us apart at first. So all this paper work and stuff has to be done, and we have to go back, I have to be shot again, then Ivy has to be shot again, then we will go to our places. It should b a lot simpler but, it isn’t, oh and I met someone great in hell, his name is victor, and it is just he was in a gang and he did some stuff, bad stuff. But victor is great and that is another complication, we were supposed to get married in three months, but trans-universal marriage isn’t allowed, so we have to work that out too. Oh and, ivy is pregnant. And who is the dad, victor’s cousin, no less. She made my living life hell now she is making my non living life hell, too. She’s due in three months also. All of this has been talked through in our meetings ;Victor is going to have to live again and make a better life, and I can wait, besides I have the rest of eternity with him, a few decades won’t make a difference, oh and that is another thing too, time moves really fast here, but also not at all, on earth a few decades takes a long time, but that would mean, I don’t even know, we don’t really take good track of time. And ivy is getting moved to hell and victors cousin will keep the baby.

I am stuck in hell, now how do I get out?!Where stories live. Discover now