Contents of the Story

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I will continue this story, their everyday life.

Some cute and wholesome family bonding.

Problems will arise, such as:

-Roger Alpheus and some advisors choosing a Queen. They told Claude that Diana is not fit to be Queen because she's not of noble blood, she's a dancer and basically, Claude's concubine. Of course, Claud won't budge and he'll tell everyone that no one can dictate him who to marry ;)

-Penelope is alive, yes I made her survive childbirth just to add some drama.

-Roger Alpheus and Penelope Yudith claiming Jenneth to be Claude's firstborn and the heir to the throne.

So far, that's the only conflicts I could think of. 

I don't know when I'll update, next chapter would be confused Claude and worrying about Diana's health. Also will include some cute Diana teaching Claude how to be a parent cute moments. 

Our Athy will remain the spunky cute little girl she is. In the webtoon, her goal is to survive getting killed by Claude. In this story, her goal is to get back to Korea, but she's starting to like Claude and Diana as her parents. 

Hopefully, I update soon hehehehehehehe.

A Happy Family (Claude, Diana, and Athanasia) Who Made Me A PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now