LOVE does not exist

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'There's no such thing as love,' 

you tell me. 

My eyes lazar rage. 

How dare you? How 

dare you? 

It is because I have asked  

a favour: Love 

I have just explained 

is giving the Other  

what they need to be  


despite selfish disinclination. 


when you right hook  

my reasoning - 'No such thing as love.' 

You bastard! 

Is that right? 

If I had the gift of blistering breath 

you'd be a smouldering carcass. 

You have just  

handed me your head. 

Do you realise that? 

Do you? 

How easy to say Ooooh Kaaay, then,  

you're incontrovertibly right. 

Don't know why it didn't occur to me  

millennia ago. 

Would have saved myself,  


a bloody life time of wasted anguish. 

See you later. 

Enjoy what's left of your poisoned 


No more arsenic in mine, though. 

In washing your hands 

of decency 

you have absolved 



I don't. 

Rise to your absurdity. 

To accept your acrimonious thesis 

I would have to unpick  

the fabric  

of my entire existence. 

Penelope the lot. 

Turn about heel on all 

that has been healing. 

Goosestep all over your 

skinny, mad, red neck. 

I can't do it. 

I won't! 

It would be Death of the worst kind the: 

        Death of Hope; 

        Abandonment of Love; 

        Rape of Empathy.

I will  

continue to love you, you bastard 

against Your Will - 

You sad, effed up survivor of war 

and mental illness  

and serial disappointment and self-delusion.. 


because you are my  


but because you 



Despite your pretence of indifference. 

Despite the brutality you subjected me to and would continue now had you strength ...that  

is LOVE 

the most powerful kind in existence 

because I CHOOSE 

to show you  


even though you do not 

deserve it.

One day soon, 

you will die,  

or be in the process  

and I will be rung 

because I am the Fixer 

in our effed up  


and I will speed the ten hours  

to you 

and I will visit you 

in bedroom  

or hospital 

or nursing home or wherever your sorry hulk 

has come to berth 

and I will sponge your body 

if need be

against your will because everyone else will have given up on you

and I will murmur comfort  

although you claim  

to hate all Weakness  

and I will hold your clawed hands 

those brutal correctors of my fragile innocence 

and I will  

stay         till the         End, Dad 

because that is Love 

a love you never felt it necessary to  


but I will give it to you 

because that  

is what it means to be         HUMAN         Dad.

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