"so you guys gonna date or what?"
ethan and hanna stopped just standing there awkwardly and answered
well ethan.
"ummm yeah"
emily jumped up
"YES! hey hanna guess what!"
"your boyfriend has kissed me"
hanna ethan and emily laughed
"oh i got a picture of you guys"
"ooh let's see"
"fuck! the lightning didn't show up"
emily airdropped the picture to them both
ethan smiled a little
@ethandolan; i moved on bitch
@user1-that caption yes bitcchhhhhhh.
graysondolan-wtf when bitch what who where when what who was there
ethandolan- @grayaondolan where have you been
@grayaondolan-online school
@ethandolan-ok not answering your questions
@ethandolan- @graysondolan today in front of 100 people