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Dante 's POV:

It was just another slow day in the shop of Devil May Cry. Lady hadn't come today with any jobs, nor had anyone come in with a sighting of demons that needed killing.

So, I'd parked my sorry ass in my plush chair, pulled an erotic magazine over my face and drifted of to sleep. Until that damn kid Nero, of course, had woke me up from a wonderful dream with some smokin' hot babes to tell me about the strange pillar of light in the middle of the shop's floor.

Nero POV:

"Dante, you cranky bastard, get up and get a look at this."

I'd just come back into the shop from a gig I had snagged a day ago to see an unusual site. Yeah Dante was being his old lazy ass self, sleeping with those damn porn magazines over his face, but a big and very bright pillar of light was in the center of the room. It wasn't any sort of demonic force creating it, as far as I could tell, but it sure as hell wasn't from a damn angel. It gave off a dangerous feeling, as if we shouldn't approach, unless we wanted consequences beyond what our imagination could come up with.

I skirted around the edge of the shop, careful to avoid touching the light and stood in front of the bastards desk. I shook him violently, only then getting a groan in protest from the other male's mouth. "You deal with it, kid. I need my sl-" 

His eyes widened when he saw the mysterious light, the magazine falling to the floor as he stared at it in awe.
"Since when in the bloody devil does shit like this happen?" The taller male jumped out of his seat, moving forward to check out what was in front of him, scowling.

"Well that's just great. Gonna be blocking the way for the customers to get in." I nearly screamed at him. Was that all he WAS worried about? Offers that he rarely took? What was going through the guys head any day of the week. Booze and girls? This so-called "son of Sparda" really needs to get his head out of his ass.

"Dante I don't think you understand the situation. That could be a portal that could let more demons in. We need to find a way to destroy it, or get it to leave. One of the two." Dante shook his head, a cheeky grin on his face.
"No kid," He said, turning to face me. "We're supposed to go inside it." I gave him a weird look. What the hell was Dante talking about? Was he drunk? Did he go insane? If they went through that portal, they could die. Nero felt it in his bones.      "Are you....Sure that's a good idea? It doesn't seem familiar. I don't think it's from our world. What if we get trapped and never get out? What if we die Dante? Do you realize how serious this is?" I told the old man in front of me. Well, he wasn't that old. Not Sanctus old. But calling me kid all the time always annoyed me. So I'll annoy him back.

"Nero Nero Nero," He repeated, shaking his head as he walked across the floor, towards the unusual light. "This is here so that we can help someone." His back is turned to me, and I can't see his face until he turns back to me.
"Can't you feel it?" His blue eyes sparkle with mischievous intent as he walks into the light. "Take care of the shop for me, will ya Nero?" As he fades into the light.

When Dante had fully dissipated into the depths of the light, the pillar started to shrink. My face drops in shock, and all I can think is that this old man isn't going to leave me behind that easy.

No one's POV:

As the pillar shrinks in size, Nero's window of opportunity does too. When he finally does recognize what's happening, he shows no hesitation as he runs into the light, coming into contact with it and is pulled from the only place he's ever known and has called home for the past nineteen years of his life, while the older demon hunter waits ahead for his younger companion to catch up.

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