Geschichte Eins

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Scooting closer to your Husband, you clutched his arms as you tried to calm down your panting while you hid behind the wall in the crouching position.  In the midst of daunting silence, You were afraid that even the sound of your breathing would alert the nasty being towards you so you covered your mouth with your free hand.

Perceiving your state, Jungkook placed his hand on top of your and gave you a reassuring squeeze. "I am here, I will not let anything happen to you" The alley was dark but the flickering light gave you enough illumination to grace your eyes with his encouraging smile and you responded to him half-heartedly.

Of course, you trusted him but right now you were afraid for his life more than your own. Your eyes averted to his wounded leg from which blood seems to be seeping out and your heart clenched in pain while tears flooded your vision.

"Babe," Noticing where your gaze was fixed,Jungkook pulled you into his arms." I'm okay"

A pinch of guilt pierced his guts for being the one to drag you into this situation but now there was no turning back.

"I am so scared" You confessed nuzzling your face into his chest.

Letting out a deep bothered sigh, Jungkook kissed the crown of your head trying to provide you the comfort you were in need of.

"We will get out of it, I promise! Both of us will succeed. You have my back" Jungkook spoke in confidence.

"I love you, JK" putting your faith in his words, you whispered in a trembling voice 

Jungkook's hands unwrapped your curvy body and moved up to cup your cheeks.

"I love you too" he replied with utmost sincerity and smashed his lips on your with passion and that was enough for you to not regret the decision you made to accompany him on to this journey.

The creepy surrounding and the haunting atmosphere seemed to disappear with the taste of his sugary lips and the only thing that floated inside your mind was how much you loved him. The situation reminded you of your wedding vows and how you had promised him to be with him in the happiness and through the sadness and the determination you needed fueled your system.

Pulling away, he handed you the gun while he prepared his weapon which was slightly sophisticated than yours.

"You remember what I taught you right,?" He asked and you nodded your head even though you were not sure if you were ready for this.

"Aim at their head" He repeated the word he had said to you countless of times while training you and you bobbed your head again signaling yes.

"Are you ready?"

His question made your heart shudder a little but after inhaling a deep breath in you gave him the last nod then both of you jumped out of your hiding place firing at every horrifying infected person that came in your way.

To be honest, you had no idea where you were shooting since you had your eyes closed shut not wanting to bear the sight of their terrorizing faces.

You continued to shoot, screaming out loud and when a hand grabbed your shoulder, you nearly had a heart attack and you jumped 10 feet above pointing your gun at the thing that had grasped your shoulder.

"Chill babe, it's me"  Jungkook exclaimed in shock, raising his both hands up.

"Jk" you breathed out than took leap directly into his arms crying in relief.

"We are alive" You were crying in happiness as well as in ease.

"I told you right, We will make it" Jungkook chuckled hugging you back.

"I can't believe this" parting away from your husband you sniffed.

As Zombies were always your biggest fear, you felt a sense of pride flooding inside of you for defeating them.

"I am so proud of you" He ruffled your hair then pulling you closer lifted you in the air and spun you while you shrieked in panic.

And after he dropped you down carefully he suggested.

"Now should we go to the next level"He grinned adjusting his VR headset earning a scared giggle from you.


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I am planning to write short stories that come on my mind while I work in a long book

Anyway this story is my dream.

I was super excited to share it with you guys.

I was super excited to share it with you guys

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