Chapter 8 - Spill the Tea

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Zara POV

"Allah Hafiz Mom!" I wave at her and shut the front door. Azra is reapplying her lipstick as I took a seat in her car. After a minute, I realized she was staring at me, "What Azra?"

"What's wrong Zara?"


We sat in silence for about 30 seconds until I asked her, "Why aren't you driving? We're going to be late!"

"I'm not driving until you tell me what's wrong." I kid you not this girl crossed her arms and pouted like she was five.

"You know how Christina and I fought and Red Diner's the other day? I want to apologize but at the same time I don't because I'm always the one approaching her first after a fight," I explained giving in.

"You're going to throw away a six year friendship over this petty shit?" Azra asked giving me a look.

"I just don't understand why she has a problem with Dimitri," I tell her.

"Instead of ranting to me about it, why don't you just, ask her?" She suggested.

I thought about it for a moment.

"This is why we're best friends Azra," I say swinging my arm over her shoulder. "Now drive this damn Ferrari." We laugh and Azra speeds off (in her Honda.)

I walk into U.S Government with Azra and immediately notice the difference in how my friends were seated. Instead of there being an empty desk next to Christina, where I was supposed to sit, Christina had moved to the desk on the other side of West. I suddenly feel someone's presence next to my ear.

"Sit with me," I look up at Dimitri and give him a small smile. I can't believe I have only 2 classes with him and I can't even sit next to him during U.S Government. "I have something to do today. I'll sit next to you, next class for sure though."

"All you have to do is tell her how much you love her," Dimitri said reassuringly and sat down where he sat the day I met him.

Yeah he's right, if I tell Christina that I love her and that it doesn't matter how many friends I have...wait a FUCKING second. I thought Dimitri didn't hear the fight between Christina and I! I'll interrogate him later, I thought as I walked up to West. "Can you scooch down a seat?" I ask him.

"Er-okay." He moved with his stuff to the seat next to him. Christina began to shift her weight, crossing her arms so her body wouldn't be facing the front but Sabrina instead. She was wearing a short dress with her legs crossed, exposing her long legs. I placed my stuff down and sighed, staring at my friend. "Christina..." I said, placing my hand on her shoulder. She shrugs off my hand and doesn't spare a look my way. "I love you," I grab her shoulders and turn her body to face me. She looks at me relaxing her shoulders and gives in.

"I love you too Zara but I don't want to have a heart to heart in U.S Government. We'll talk later okay?"

I nodded but she turns around a couple of seconds later.

My heart leaps but all she says is, "Skip 2nd with me?"

I want to say no so badly, I have a Physics test I don't want to miss, but it would make her feel as if I valued a Physics test over our friendship.

I simply nod, wishing I didn't spend all last night studying like a maniac.

The bell rings and first period is over as quick as it had began. I see Dimitri stand up, but instead of leaving he waits for me. I walk right past him, not wanting to deal with his lying, but handsome, face right this moment.

"Zara, I can explain," he says as he put his hand on my shoulder. I walk straight out with Christina, his hand slipping off my shoulder. Each step Christina and I take in the opposite direction, the urge to turn around and hear what he has to say increases for some weird reason.

Christina directs me down the stairs and out the school. "Christina where are we going?" I say as she takes my hand and pulls me down the street to a corner cafe.

"Oh my god, I remember when this used to be where we hung out all the time!" I exclaimed as we took a seat at a table outside.

"We used to skip Spanish, Ms. Galendo was such a bitch I swear!" Christina laughed as the waiter approached us.

"How may I serve you ladies today?"

And before I knew it, Christina was ordering, "May we get an americano with no cream and stevia for my friend, and I would like a chocolate chip muffin and some green tea." She knows me so well.

"Coming right away."

"Why don't you like Dimitri?" I asked her bluntly. This is one of my best friends, I don't need to pretend like we met up for some other reason.

"I'm going to be honest..." She looked down at the table.

"Okay? You know you can tell me anything," I assured her. I need to know why she hates Dimitri so much. If I'm being honest I don't think they've had a conversation without me there, except for the "almost fight" in the cafeteria.

"Did he say something to you that day in the cafeteria?" I questioned her.

She shook her head. What is it about then?

The waiter came back with our order and Christina stayed silent the whole time, obviously waiting for him to leave before she spoke.

"I love you," she said quietly.

"I love you too, Christina and nothing's going to change that," I reassure her, reaching over the table to squeeze her hand.

I really do. Every time I've been in deep shit, Christina has been there for me. Every time I needed a shoulder to cry on, she was there. Every time I lied saying I was doing fine, Christina was the one who saw past my bullshit. Yeah, I love her so much.

"Noimeaniminlovewithyou." She said blurted out, accidentally knocking over and spilling the green tea with her arm.

"Dude I can't understand you when you talk that fast!" I tell her laughing, and start to clean her up with some napkins.

"I'm in love with you Zara."

*********** A/N**********

What's going to happen next? Does Zara feel the same way?
Is their friendship going to last?
I know you guys are waiting for Zara and Dimitri to progress, but I have a lot in store for those 2. when I mean a lot I mean a lotttttttt. 😉

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