Chapter 10 - BMW's and Biryani

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Dimitri POV

"I don't hold back from fighting women," Bryce smirks cracking his knuckles. It takes a couple seconds for what he said to sink in but once it did I knew who his fist was coming for next.

I attempt to get up and wipe the blood off my face with the back of my hand.

"You bastard," I growl as I tackle Bruce, his fist merely inches away from Zara's face, but Zara was already on the floor.

I punch him in the stomach causing him to howl in pain.

"You messed with the wrong guy Swiss fucker," he lashes out and throws another punch but he's pulled back by a male administrator and I feel Mrs. Glenn pulling me back.

"Let me at him!" Bryce snarls struggling to escape the administrators' grasp. I was about to do the same when I recollected the fact that Zara was on the floor.

"Let me go," I beg Mrs.Glenn as I tilt my head towards unconscious Zara. She nods and I run towards her.

The sight of her like this is tear jerking. Her angelic face which normally hosted a smile was now dark, her body not moving.

I begin searching every inch of her face for injuries.

"Zara, Zara," I plead her but she remained motionless. My arms move to shake her shoulders but stop midair when I remembered that I couldn't touch her.

This is an emergency.

"Zara," I plead once more and gently begin to pick her up.

"The nurse is on her way," Mrs. Glenn informs me.

"The nurse should've been on her way five minutes ago," I snap and hoist Zara up so her head was resting on my shoulder. Although I was tense with worry, I could feel tingles of warmth spread from where her head was on my shoulder.

I make my way to the nurse's office and I'm grateful I knew where it is since I had been there once before to drop off my vaccine files.

My feet slap the floor, making a thud sound as I run down the hall and make a sharp right turn. The thuds get louder and I get dizzy when I finally realize I'm now in front of the nurses' office. I knock, and wait for about 10 seconds before I continue, leaving no time in between each knock.

The door swings open, "What took you so long," I ask the nurse irritated as I place her down on the examination table.

"I was just on my way," she replies as she takes off her stethoscope from around her neck.

I roll my eyes as I sit down on one of the chairs, my vision blurred. Why is everything blurry?

"You can go back to class now," the nurse tells me and she waits for me to leave.

"No I'm good here," I cross my arms. I could've sworn her eyes had flickered on my biceps before she nodded and went back to Zara. Yeah I work out. So what? Don't get caught checking out students.

*15 minutes later*

"She has no apparent signs of injury, so she either passed out from another determining factor. It could've been stress or shock but we won't know until she wakes up," the nurse is speaking but I can't focus on her face. I can't take my eyes off Zara.

I realize the nurse has stopped talking but her eyes are still on me.

"What?" I ask annoyed. She looks embarrassed that I caught her, her face red as she stared at me.

"You're a good boyfriend. I can tell you actually care for her," she said as she took a seat next to me which took me by surprise.

Is the school nurse actually trying to start this conversation with me?

I open my mouth to respond before I actually comprehend what she said. Me? Zara's boyfriend? If I'm honest with myself, yeah I like her. But I'm not the kind of guy who can settle down and be loyal to one woman. I've never been like that. Zara deserves better.

"We're just good friends," I tell the nurse as I get up.

I stand for a couple moments to regain my balance, since my dizziness doesn't seem to want to abolish. Suddenly, the doors burst open and Christina barges in. Her face is red and her eyes are clearly filled with tears as she rushes to Zara's side.

"Zara? What happened to her? I heard there was a fight?" Christina's face was bunched up in concern. 

"She fainted, she's okay," I responded but as I said it I realized it wasn't the best response as Christina glared at me. 

"You can go now," Christina huffed as she leaned over Zara. 

"It's okay I can stay," I insisted as I began to take a seat.

"No, leave," Christina said annoyed.  

"Okay then," I said gruffly. I trudge towards the door and step out, closing it behind me. Wow Zara has some overprotective friends. 


2 Hours Later

Zara's POV

I'm making dinner and waiting someone to get home. I check the time 8:10. He should be here now, the biryani is going to be cold. I walk out of our huge kitchen and open the front door and sit on the steps. The sunset is beautiful. A familiar BMW pulls up in our driveway. 

"Honey I'm home!" He steps out of the car and walks towards me as I stand up. He lifts me off the ground and twirls me around. 

"Ahhhh put me down Dimitri!" I exclaimed. He puts me down, stares into my eyes and I stare back. His deep luscious green eyes. 

"I've been waiting to do this all day," he whispers his face inches from mine.

"What happened?" I ask as I rub my eyes sitting up.

"Be careful sitting up," A familiar voice informs me, their hands on my shoulders. 

"Christina? What happened?" My eyes focus on my friend, but everything comes back fast and I'm suddenly confused. "Wait don't touch me," I shrug her hands off my shoulders.

"Fine if you want to be like that," she said hurt. "Bryce tried punching you, but you passed out before he hit you." Oh yeah. Dimitri saved me. The nurse comes over to check how I am and once she does she  lets Christina and I out. "Thanks for watching me Christina," I tell her.

"I'll always be here for you Zara," She says and starts walking in the other direction.

Wait didn't I make dinner for Dimitri somewhere in that mess? 

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