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The night was late, just like any night- the office around him slowly but surely calming and quieting down to William's liking. He adjusted his glasses looking over the  "To-die" lists, Ronalds was complicated, however completed. Like always, there were a few that weren't complete, and of course one missing. The brunet reaper gave an irritated sigh, running his hands over his face, rubbing at his eyes from under his spectacles. Overtime.  Throughout his entire carrer he has tried his best to be exceptional and avoid the over working without pay, however there is just one thing stopping him- the menace of the office. There was nothing he could do to stop her from... Well.. being her, but Damn was it frustrating. She was constantly late on everything, never turned anything in on time, William could hardly believe at this point that she had used to be higher than him in the Academy.

After a moment of brewing in his own frustration he pushed his hair back, pushing his glasses back to the their place before he began to look over paper work again, it seemed that there were Five unintentional deaths today, Three of which were caused due to the reapers assigned not taking proper cautionary measures, the other two reported incidents are marked with unknown causes. Great, more overtime.
William then stood up, tucking the report papers away in his coat as he pushed in his office chair, from there he made his way out of his office, other Shinigami's staring his way as he belined it for a certain desk, it was a dark oak desk in the soul collecting department, sat at the desk was a tall redhead, who was completely turned around in her desk chair, leaning over the desk of a dark haired reaper situated behind her own. She was making flirty gestures to the man, which only caused a growl from the brunet Shinigami's lips.


The women paused as the entire department fell silent, rolling her eyes she waved a hand behind her as if in a shooing motion,

"Not now dear, I'm busy.~" To that William slammed his hands down on the back of the leather wheeled chair the redhead was sat in and forcefully turned it to face his direction, his expression, stotic if not irritated, only earned a scoff from Grell.

"How rude, i was in the middle of a quite nice conversation Willy." She gave a Sharp toothed smile before wrapping her arms snakely around Will's torso-

"Couldn't wait your turn?~" Spears scoffed at her words peeling her lanky arms away from him.

"How revolting. Sutcliff i want you in my office, Thirty minutes, no sooner, No later. Understood?"  He didn't even wait for a response before walking off his brows knitted tightly together a migraine sitting at the back of his skull. The Vermilion Shinigami gave an offended grunt crossing her arms. The dark haired male from early attempted to make conversation however she just gave a growl in response, kicking her heels up onto her desk, her Emerald eyes following her superiors every move as he made his way back to his office, a smaller reaper with a blondish bob cut and a pair of triangular spectacles following suit.

The pristine reaper gave a sigh as he took a seat behind his desk once more. He took the folder from his jacket to set it in front of the blonde only beginning to speak once she was done reading the report.

"So what exactly happened to Mr. Kindermen?" The question was simple however his eyes laid heavily on the women, causing her to squirm in her seat.

"U-uhm.. Well sir, i don't think it was entirely our fault.. He really wasn't even supposed to be there and-" he cut her off.

"What do you mean he wasn't supposed to be there?" William stood up picking up one of the various "To- Die" books flipping to a women named Jamie Addington.

"It says here Mrs. Addington was scheduled to die at 3pm Saturday afternoon, when she woke up that morning at 7am she went to the bakery. At 10:00 am she met up with Mr. Kindermen at the bigben tower- and that is where her life ends. Now... Tell me why does that not sound right to you?" There was a pause before he slammed his hands down on his desk waiting for the response.
"B-because she was supposed to 3pm.. Sir."
"And why didn't that happen?"
"We thought it'd be easier to end the job quicker.. Sir." Another pause.

"So.. You're telling me.. That you, not only collecting the soul of someone on the "To- Die" list early, but also collecting the soul of someone who wasn't even on the "To- Die" list.. Isn't your fault?!" The dark haired male massaged his temples for a moment taking in a breath, and gaining his composure before just saying a simple.
"Get. Out." The women scrambled to her feet, and with a quick anxious bow, left the office, her superior following her to the door, his migraine now actively attempting to pound through his skull.


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