Chapter Six

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Grell gave a soft smile, she finally had William in her grip.
       "This is a pretty romantic position, Willy. ~" she purred. William only rolled his eyes pushing his glasses up, keeping his other arm on the couch to keep him up right.
      "Yes, Grell, I suppose it is. I also suppose you're quite happy about it?" The red maiden nodded excitedly pulling William down closer.
      "I am, but there's something that would make me even happier." Will's expression didn't change, though he did raise a brow, he never thought he'd be in this position especially with Grell, but here he was.
      "And what could that-" Knock, Knock, Knock. The brunet blinked looking to the door, the red reapers emerald eyes following.
      "Ignore it." She spoke softly; her eyes moving back to Will. Their faces inching closer.  Knock, Knock... Knock. Grell growled and grabbed Williams face, their lips were so close. Grell was millimeters away from getting exactly what she wanted- and then the person behind the knocking just swung the door open.
       "Senpai! Are you-" Will had never jumped up quicker in his life. He scrambled off the couch leaving Grell laying across it, alone.
     "Home..?" The blonde blinked stopping in his tracks his hand not even leaving the doornob.
     "Boss.. Ah! Boss! What're you..?"
Grell stood up rigidly, scowling. She moved toward the blonde- harshly hitting him over the back of the head. Similarly to what she had done to Will previously- however with much more force and anger. Ronald flinched and his hands flew up-
     "Ow! Seeeennpaaai! That hurt!" He whined holding his head, his face scrunched up.
      "It was supposed to hurt you imbecile!" She then proceeded to scoff and push Ronald out of her home.
      "Senpai- wait!"
      "I'm not in the bloody mood! Now Get out!" And she slammed the door in his face leaning against it once it was shut. William gave a soft huff and shifted towards her. Grells spirits lifted and she held her arms up to William. However William stopped about a foot from her.
       "We have work to do-" his face was slightly flushed, most likely from embarrassment- he only hoped the blonde male had not seen the position him and Sutcliff were in- prior to his bursting in. Grell's expression dropped almost immediately along with her arms and she shifted foreward and just punched the  other directly in the face. William was taken aback, he groaned and stepped back, bringing his hands to his face, his nose was bleeding. He blinked- and his glasses were cracked; the left lense only. His brows furrowed and he shifted his eyes back to Grell only to be nailed again. He stumbled back almost falling and cursed uder his breath; He shook his head and got himself ready bringing his fists up. Grell growled, her eyes were sharp- just like her toothed smile. She was angry, yes, but she was also enjoying this. Sutcliff took another opportunity, aiming a high kick to knock the other down. Will grabbed her leg only for the red reaper to shift her body her other leg swinging up nailing William in head causing them both to crash to the floor. Will's glasses went flying. Grells came off- but stayed due to her glasses chain. She was also quick to get up. William followed suit, but he was wobbly' Grell could tell his world was spinning, she adjusted her spectacles and swept her leg under his feet, he collapsed to the floor. They were both powerful, no doubt. Grell had kicked Williams ass once before. Though of course he returned the favor. They each had an equal chance. However- Grell always catches him off gaurd, and all of his abilities fail him in that moment. He didn't get up from the floor. Only groaned softly he didn't know where his spectacles were. Grell shifted foreward and kneeled down by him. Running her lengthy delicate fingers through his hair. He didn't protest, he just let it happen. Then Grell leaned down and softly- their lips connected. William brought a hands up to cradle her head. Her lips were soft; Williams eyes shut, and Grell leaned over him completely as their lips moved together, and only after a moment- they parted. Their eyes connecting in replacement. Grell had a soft expression on her makeupless face. - This is the first time in awhile he's seen her without makeup.
      "You look lovely, with or without makeup." He spoke in the same monotone voice- though the compliment was genuine. Grell smiled.
      "Thank you, dear." She then shifted away from him and picked up his spectacles.
     "It seems your glasses are cracked.." She sighed, and placed them on Williams face- he blinked as the blurs around him came into focus- well mostly in focus.
      "It's alright." He sat up and pulled his gloves off. Wiping his nose looking at the blood- he then licked his lips- and when he looked to the vermillion reaper she was doing the same- the taste of blood.
      "You did that on purpose, didn't you?" He raised a brow, she just silently grabbed his arm- licking the blood off his hand.
      "That's.. Disgusting." He commented bluntly. Grell only chuckled.
       "I know." Will sighed and wiped his hand on Grells gown. She laughed and grabbed his hand again, this time just intertwining their fingers.
      "Mm, a spider always catches her flies." She mumbled more to herself, moving so she could adjust herself to sit in Williams arms.
      "You think I'm a fly to catch? Miss Spider?" Grell giggled, pecking his cheek.
      "I do~" he hummed in response and buried his face into her shoulder wrapping his arms around her slim frame.
      "We're going to have major overtime..." He grumbled, Grell only laughed.
      "Yes, yes- and you hate overtime. Is that your new catchphrase, darling?" The brunet rolled his eyes.
      "I say it enough, it might as well be." She chuckled devilishly and turned in his arms so they were facing each other.
      "Yes, though, I for one think this is a good sacrifice- for overtime." The male sighed.
       "Yes, I supoise it is."

Ronald Knox is the biggest cock block.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2019 ⏰

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