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The buzzer sounded. Heels dug into sides. Muscles pushed and pulled spurring forwards at top speeds. Sweat trickles simultaneously down necks. Breaths in rapid adrenaline-charged bursts.

I sat on the edge of my seat, eyes glued to the gorgeous sorrel gelding charging forward with its blonde-haired rider. The poles they weaved through seemed like nothing but grass strands wisping by the powerful duo. I gripped the cool metal seat in my hands, breath caught, and my heart pounding. 

As they rounded the last pole, the rider swung the glistening rust-colored animal around and shot off towards the entrance gate once more in a final effort to beat the neon red clock counting seconds. As they crossed the gate, their time was posted on the clock at 20.3 seconds. "And that's the time to beat folks! Miss Gracie Hollows with a time of 20.3 seconds as taken the first place spot." The announcer boomed over the speakers. 

 I couldn't help the smile that pulled across my face. I jumped from my seat, immediately heading past the silver bleachers and darted for the back of the arena. 

"Yes, ma'am!" I called out as I spotted the blonde dismounting her ride. She turned around, brown eyes wide with excitement. Completely forgetting her mount, she sprinted and launched herself at me. We spun in a squealing and laughing hug, ignoring the weird glances and stares we received. I pulled away and lightly punched her arm. 

"I told you, you had nothing to worry about!" I joked. Gracie rolled her eyes and began heading back to her horse. I followed behind her, moving to pat the quiet gelding on the nose. "Good job, Price!" I cooed. He nuzzled into my hand and I giggled. "Alright, you love birds! We have to get this show on the road." Gracie grabbed Price's reins and began to lead him into the line up of trailers. 

I followed quietly, taking in the sound of the crowd cheering behind me and cattle calling in the pens. The smell of the fair type food and livestock danced through my nose and the afternoon sun baked the exposed skin on my arms, making it sting as it burnt. I sank my hands into my thick brown hair and scraped it back into a ponytail, allowing the slight breeze to catch the back of my sweat-soaked neck. 

I glanced around at the horses, tied to sides of trailers and young men camped out by their vehicles in lawn chairs, drinking water to prevent dehydration. My heart swelled and pulsed with longing and I thought the butterflies in my chest were going to suffocate me. 

As Gracie reached her trailer and began to untack Price, I stood my eyes drifting from the trailers to the rodeo youth to the livestock in pens to the ones practicing on and off horseback and finally ending on the arena where a team roping duo was chasing down a small steer. 

There was something at that moment; that split second. I can't explain what had come over me or why it did, but it spurred my next actions into high gear. I spun on my heels, catching Gracie's attention. 

"I want to join the rodeo circuit." 

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