3: Wires

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Testtube's POV

Testtube was on her way to the forest on the far side of the competing area. She decided that it might be good to gather some research about the area, who knows if there might be some kind of awesome new plant or something!
She hummed quietly to herself as she walked, when she heard someone calling her name.
"Testtube! Hey Testy! Wait for me!" Fan rushed up to her side and smiled at her. He had his phone in one hand and his egg in the other. "Where are you going?"
"Oh, uh, i was going to go into the forest to conduct some research on the plantlife there!" Testtube explained, fiddling with the clipboard and pen in her hands.
"Aw cool! Can i come!"
"Sure thing! Though i have to warn you i'm not the best at conversations... hehe" TT laughed nervously.
"Thats fine, thats fine!" Fan took the lead into the woods, skipping and humming to himself.
Testtube followed him, her eyes darting nervously around the woods.
For a while Fan was out of site, and TT was feeling calm and inspired, until a loud shriek jolted her from thinking.
TT's eyes widened and she plunged through the undergrowth until she was at Fan's side. His leg was tied around a thin metal wire, and everytime he tried to move, it got tighter. His face was panicked and his hands shook.
"Hold on a sec, i can get you free!" Testtube pulled a pair of pliers from her lab coat pocket. She crawled forward and snipped the wire gently, and freed Fan's leg.
He was gasping in shock. "W-what? Where did yo-"
Testtube shook her head. "It doesn't matter where i got those pliers, it just matters that your safe. We need to get out of here, there could be more traps around."
She took Fan's hand and walked carefully out of the woods. His leg was crusted with a ring of blood, tiny drops of fresh blood dripped down.
Soon they had reached the edge of the trees and TT laid down Fan, who winced at the sudden movement.
Lightbulb and Paintbrush noticed them immediately and came rushing over.
"What the hell happened?" PB demanded as they approached. Lightbulb gasped and rushed to Fan's side.  "Are you ok?!" She asked.
"Y-yeah, i'm fine" He winced as PB glared at him. "What trouble have you gotten yourself into this time?"
"Don't blame him! Its not his fault," Testtube said sadly. "I should have told him to go back when i went into the woods..."
"The woods?" PB's eyes sparkled with interest and suspicion. "So what exactly happened?

Knife's POV

Knife walked in circles, thinking carefully. He was always thinking nowadays. After a while, he noticed a commotion on the other side of the clearing. Paintbrush, Testtube and Lightbulb were crowded around Fan, who was sitting down, a look of pain on his face. Knife stared at them for a moment, and began to walk over when he was interrupted suddenly.
"Knife. Have you though about my offer?"
It was Microphone.
"Are you kidding me, why would i join you? If you killed me MePhone could just revive me."
Microphone's eyes widened in, surprisingly, sadness.
"Im sorry Knife, but Ta- My ally and i cannot let you tell anyone else. It's for the best. You have to join us!"
Knife snarled at her and took a threatening step forward.
"Did i fucking stutter?"
He then turned and stomped away, letting his anger shine in his eyes.
Mic watched him go, her sad expression darkening. She turned up her gain and whispered to herself.
"We have to kill him."

Taco's POV

"We have to kill him."
Interesting. She was almost sure Knife would join, considering the odds. Ah well, at least this would be more fun.
Taco jumped down from the crooked tree and picked her way through bushes and trees with various traps scattered.
She noticed one of the tree wires loose, and mentally scolded Mic for being so stupid, then stopped as she noticed the blood shining on them. It must have caught someone, and they escaped.
Taco adjusted her headset.
"Mic, come to the crooked tree, there is something you need to see, and we need to discuss Knife."
Taco sighed impatiently. It would surely take at least ten minutes for Mic to get there. At least she would have time to make sure some of the other traps were secure.

Testtube's POV

"ACK! Stop! That hurts!" Fan cried out as Testtube tried to tie a bandage around his sore leg.
"Stop complaining! This will make you feel better!"
Fan dodged as Testube once again tried to help, and he hit her face.
"Ow! Why you little- LIGHTBULB!!!"
At her call, LB rushed over and held Fan down so Testtube could tie the bandage.
Testube shouted, and finally she managed to help. She sat back in relief.
"You can let go now, Lightbulb."
"Ok!" Lightbulb said cheerfully.
"Say, have you seen Painty? I haven't see them since we told her about the forest traps..." Lightbulb trailed off, thinking.
"Crap, they must have gone to check it out! That idiot!" Testtube stood up shakily, tired from the wrestle.
"We need to find her! And we should warn MePhone too!" She looked over at the phone in the distance.
"Ok, i will go find Paintbrush, you guys go tell MePhone!" Testtube stated.
"Not by yourself!" Lightbulb gasped.
"Yes, by myself! Im the only careful one around here! Trust me," She glanced at Fan for a moment, her eyes shining with emotion. "I will be fine."
Lightbulb paused. "Okay... BUT DON'T DIE YOU HEAR ME!?" She shook Testtube, then ran off. Fan stayed sitting, nervously looking at Testtube.
"Be careful... Please..." He whispered.
"I will." She promised.
Then she turned and fled into the woods, keeping her eyes open for any more traps that might come across her path.

Paintbrush's POV

Paintbrush pushed aside a mound of leaves, grumbling. I have to find out who are setting these traps. They thought.
Soon they had reached a large clearing in the woods. Sunlight sparkled through the treeless area.
"What the..?"
This area looked too clean to be natural, PB glanced around nervously as they heard a rustle in the bushes.
"Who's there?" They shouted, their bristles beginning to turn orange.
The bushes parted to reveal Testtube, her face creased with worry and relief.
"Paintbrush! We have to get out of here!"
"NO!" PB snarled, their bristles sparking. "We have to catch the person who did this before they can hurt ligh- i mean- anyone else!"
Testtube looked at them, determined to do something.
"Listen you jeebweezer! We sure as hell will find the person, but we should tell MePhone first! We shouldn't waste time and energy trying before we have a plan, please," Testtube thought for a moment before she continued. "Lightbulb would kill me if anything happened to you."
Paintbrush was fuming, their bristles already in flame, but once TT mentioned Lightbulb's name, they closed their eyes and calmed themselves down.
"Fine." They growled, and followed Testtube back they way they had come, looking for the occasional trap.
They had been walking for around five minutes in silence, before it was broken by a shriek.
The ground ahead of them was open, and there was deep hole, shards of glass and metal sticking out from the sides. Testtube and Paintbrush had almost fallen in.
"Wh- Whoah.." Testtube looked shaken, clearly thinking of how close they had been. If she had fallen she would have shattered herself on the spikes.
Paintbrush's heart was pounding with terror, and they and TT backed away from the hole.
"That wasn't here when i walked through..." Testy muttered to herself.
They skirted around quickly and kept on walking, when Testtube stopped in her tracks.
"Frick..." She muttered, then turned to PB.
"I... i think we're lost..."
PB sighed and slapped their forehead.
"Dammit Testtube, ok, let me take the lead for now." TT obediently stepped backwards.

Microphone's POV

"So, what can we do now?" Mic asked nervously, eyeing the taser in Taco's hand.
"It's kind of obvious," Taco spoke with her silky british accent. "We need to scare them off! But," She added. "Not so much that MePhone moves the competition, just enough that he keeps everyone out of the woods."
Taco wanted to slap Mic. How could someone be this stupid.
"Cmon, let's give TT and PB a scare they won't be likely to forget."
"Huh? What do you mean?" Mic asked, confused.
"Turn up your gain, idiot."
"Oh," Mic winced at the rude remark, but listened none the less. Soon she could hear the mutters of the two Bright Lights as they walked through woodland, they were clearly lost.
"So go Mic! Prove your worth to me!" Taco said to her. She watched carefully as Mic walked into the darkness.
Microphone walked for a long while, until she reached a copse of trees, and spotted the two. She remained quiet, watching carefully.
As silent as a mouse, she stretched metal wires around the clearing where the two had stopped to talk for a moment. Soon they were surrounded. Mic ran off, keeping her gain up as she plopped down behind a tree to listen.
"Paintbrush, we need to think things through! We can't waste any more time!"
Then a shriek of surprise broke the conversation.
Then, eerie silence.


Ooooo cliffhangerrrrrrr >:]
This took a long time oof

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