Ch 6 i battle the minotaur

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Sara's POV
after I went hunting outside camp and cooked the game I was walking across half blood hill when I see the Minotaur walking close to the hill so I hid near a tree once he passed I walked behind him getting my arrow ready to fire once he caught my scent he whipped around ready to charge but he was to late I already released my arrow into his snout so he was a little mad or should I say a lot but he charged then I remembered percy battled him so I did what his mom told him to do at the last second I jumped out of the way then I got out my sword, tidal wave, I went at him he was surprised by my attack so he didn't realized I decapitated him so he was gold dust then I look around to see everyone in camp staring at me so I got uncomfortable so I said the smartest thing I could say was "um.... Sorry?"
Percy just had to cut in and say "sorry! that was amazing Sara u did awesome" then everyone broke out into applause for me I really hated the attention so when no one was paying attention I went back to the Poseidon cabin then when percy came he just had to say "well did you bring anything u hunted"
I just laughed and said "yeah here you go big bro" handing him the small box of cooked game he eyed the box then opened it he took a bite then he look so surprised I fell over laughing at his crazy face he just looked so shocked at how good it tasted. Did he think my cooking was really horrible?
"Wow was my cooking really that bad percy or is it shocking I can cook"
"Well it is very shocking that 1 my little sister can hunt 2 she can also cook the animals she hunts
"Well thank you very much now I'm going to bed c u in the morning"

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