Chapter 1

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Bella's P.O.V

It was such a beautiful day in the kindgom of Auradon. It was also the day new villain kids would be arriving to have a new life, just like Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos. And me. I was super excited they would be coming over. The chosen kids were Dizzy, daughter of Drizella, Smee's twin sons Squeaky and Squirmy, and last Celia, daughter of Dr. Facilier. Ben said I was allowed to go with them to pick up the kids.

Everyone gathered around in the front of the school to celebrate the occasion. I stood off to the left of the stage next to Fairy Godmother. I watched as Mal and Ben made their way onto the stage with smiles on their face. I kept my hands together in front of me. I was still getting used to proper princess etiquette. 

Ben took the microphone, and ahold of Mal's hand, and began to speak in it. "Mal, this is the exact spot that we met each other, not long ago. I feel like I've known you my whole life. But did I mention, I'm in love with you?"

As he said this, Doug, who was standing next to Evie, began to play his guitar. I saw Carlos sneak up next to him too. He began to sing to her and we were all smiling at how cute the scene was. Mal spun in a small circle with Ben and was smiling and laughing. All of a sudden, as he sang the words, "Now look at what you've done, you got me down on my knee," he knelt, handing the mic to Carlos, and pulled out a ring box. We all gasped in shock but also happiness.

"Mal, it's you and me forever," he said as Mal covered her mouth. "Will you marry me and be my queen?"

Before Mal answered, Ben's ex girlfriend Audrey yelled out "No", which made me send her a look. But Mal ignored her and said "Yes." Everyone began to cheer, Carlos hugged Doug, and I stood there and clapped, happy for my brother.

Mal went and hugged Ben's parents, then Audrey approached. I watched to see how she would act. She congratulated her, but then brought up something I never heard. "You spelled Ben to destroy Auradon." My eyes widened. What was she talking about?

Them talking about kids waiting on us knocked me out of my thoughts. I ran up to Ben and hugged him tight. "Congrats Ben. I'm so happy for you," I said. He hugged back and smiled, helping me into the limo, "Thank you, Bells."

We showed up to the Isle, and it felt nice to be back in my old environment. I looked around the area and sighed. I saw all the kids making their way to the limo and smiled. I saw how Smee was watching his boys with happiness but also sadness. "Don't worry, Mr. Smee. Your boys will be in good hands, I promise," I tried to soothe. He smiled at me and gave me a slight nod. He shut the door after all of us were in the car.

I heard Jay up in the front telling one of the boys that he had a firm grip and asked about sports, which put a smile on my face. He looked up in the mirror and smiled at me, which I did back. 

"Here," Carlos said to the other twin. He was handing him a big chocolate cup. "Dig in," he said and the kid did. His eyes widened at the taste and it made me quietly chuckle. It saddened me that these kids never experienced things like that. I mean I didn't either until I arrived, but now that I have and I'm living in a better environment, it makes the Isle seem a lot worse than it did living in it.

Celia was messing with her tarot cards with Ben, which he paid her. Her eyes lit up at the sight of the cash. I turned around to look at the Isle before we completely left it, but seen Hades running up to the barrier and stuck his hand through. "Jay stop the car!" I yelled. "Hades is trying to escape."

As soon as the car stopped we all hopped out. Mal decided to turn into a dragon while the boys tried to rush forward. I say tried because Hades blasted them with his magic ember. Mal didn't get far either because Hades began to fire it at her. She could hardly fight back. Soon Hades was pushed back into the barrier and it closed. Mal changed back, but looked weak. 

"Are you okay?" Evie asked. Mal shook her head, "I felt all of my magic slipping away." I listened as they said he was back where he belongs, which made me look down. Are all the villains looked at this way? Even some of the kids?

We made it back to Auradon and we seen that most of the schoolyard was cleared. We all decided to go back to our rooms, except me. Jay and Carlos came over when he noticed I wasn't leaving with them. "You okay?" Carlos asked me. I looked at him then at the Isle, "Yeah, I'm completely fine, don't worry. It was just nice to see the Isle, even for a couple minutes." He nodded and placed his hand on my shoulder. "You'll be able to visit more often as we get more kids, okay? Maybe you'll be able to come with us to announce who will be next to move here," Jay added. I smiled at him as he hugged me, "Thanks Jay. I'm going to stay here for a bit, guys. I'll see you later?" They nodded and took their leave. 

I stayed there and stared out towards the Isle. I missed my home. I soon became lost in thought as Audrey's words popped back into my head, "You spelled Ben to destroy Auradon." Did Mal really do that to my brother? And is that the reason why she is now becoming queen? I need to go and talk to Audrey, now.


A/N: Hey lovelies. So this is the first chapter. It's not as good as I hoped but this is the beginning of Bella's story in Auradon. I did use some dialogue from the movie itself BUT I changed the words up so they weren't exactly identical. I don't want to get in trouble for that. I hope you guys liked it. Thank you for reading, I love you guys! <3


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