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It tortured Jinhyuk to see Aera around the halls holding hands with Wooseok or even seeing them exchange kisses. He sometimes found himself scrunching his nose a bit or rolling his eyes, but knocks himself back into his senses when he realizes everything.

She's not mine anymore. Never will be.

This time, he caught himself in a daze while staring out the window during film acting. The classroom was set up with the chairs to be in a circle for the communication and interaction skills that the class needed. Aera noticed Jinhyuk's daydreaming as she was next to him and slightly tapped his arm to get his attention. "You okay?"

There was a very long pause before he could answer. "Y-Yeah, why?"

"Everyone found a partner already," she looks around the classroom, "I just thought you'd be okay partnering up with me since you're the only person I know in here."

Jinhyuk was left dumbfounded, only to find out that they have an acting exercise that they'd have to present to the class the following week.

"Okay, everyone! We'll be reading the same script when presenting, but it is your job to portray the character based on your knowledge on expression, emotion, enunciation, etc." The teacher/director Mr. Joon instructed.

The class all began to warm up and Jinhyuk was still too shocked on the sudden partnering that Aera did. She had the script in her hand, diligently reading the lines and skimming through each page.

"Jinhyuk!" A familiar voice also called from behind. "Do you have a partner already?" Euna asked politely, but quickly bowed her head apologetically following her eye contact w Aera. "Oh! I see you guys are already together-"

"I'll be partners with Jinhyuk, actually." A boy approached the three as they all put their attention on him. A tall fair skinned boy was seen smiling and he looked down at Jinhyuk sitting on the chair.

It was one of Jinhyuk's good friends Seungyoun. "It won't be too bad right Euna?" He said very enthusiastically causing Euna to grit her teeth as she smiled. Her eyes could flame up at any moment, but she just slightly tilted her neck and nodded.

"Is...that fine with you, Euna?" Aera's voice was a bit too shaky to even try finishing the sentence.

"Yeah, no worries." She smiled, but the anger engulfing her body was increasing by the minute.


"Hey, love." Wooseok entered his living room making his way towards Aera. He had the popcorn in his hand and as soon as he sat himself down, he immediately placed himself in his favorite position with his arm around Aera and her head rested on his chest. "How was Film Acting?"

"Well, i'm partners with Euna for this whole script reading assignment or something. And before class ended, Mr. Joon said towards the end we have to do a minute of improv."

"Oh my."

"Exactly." She chuckled as she snuggled closer to him. "At least you can watch it because I heard your class is going to critique our performances."

"You'll do great, love...I know it."


Euna frustratingly reads over the script in front of her bathroom mirror. "How am I going to continue off of Aera's last line?" She scratched the back of her head in annoyance at the fact she was the one to start off the improv after the script. But then, she kept in mind of the audience, specifically who will be watching on that day. A smirk formed onto her face as the idea of a good show came to mind.

Aera's character: There's nothing for me to lose, I lost everything.

Just wait Aera, i'll make sure you make this performance worth it to everyone. I'm sure you're enunciation and expressions will be great! But how about your emotions?"

needy  | kim wooseok • lee jinhyukWhere stories live. Discover now