Fifth Year

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At some point during the holidays Ravens father pulled away slowly from her more then usual, he'd had a meeting with Dumbledore and when he'd got back he'd simply seemed sad they didn't really talk. He simply informed her he'd returned and went to his potions. She didn't see him til late the next night when she took him food and saw him looking at an old photo of her mother and hadn't notice her enter til his food was placed before him. He simply thanked her and as she went to leave he called to stop her and stood moving to her and giving her the photo. " This was one of the last times you mother and myself were happy as friends. Before I messed things up, I'm sure she'd like you to have it."
Raven had happily taken it with a faux calm thank you and he gave a sharp nod and waved her away with a claim of being busy.

She took the photo to her room and happily placed it in a small book she had made with a few photos she had that had started when Mooney had sent her a few photos of her and her mother when she'd been a baby and a candid one of the single time she'd been with Sirius and Sirius had sent her some fun ones of Lupin in revenge. And at her request Lupin had sent a one of himself, Sirius and James Potter and a more recent one of Harry and  Sirius together that completed most of those that could be considered family. She also had one or two careful ones of her father that he very much didn't know about. And now she finally had one of both of her parents. She added the newest photo with care and sat and looked through the pages and relaxed after the past years.
Something weird happened one night, she heard people enter the house and the door close as she went to stand her room went silent as she felt the magic fall over it and she pushed herself from her bed and moved to the door and it wouldn't open, her father hadn't done that before. She pressed her ear against the door trying to hear what might be happening but knew herself that it wouldn't work before the silence confirmed it for her she stared at the door in annoyance for a moment before moving to grab a book from her desk and moved sitting by the door to wait for the magic to lift.

She must have fallen asleep while waiting though, because she woke up lying against the floor and pages in her book bent were her arm fell over it.  She stood ignoring the book for a moment to check the door her body relaxing as it opened before she picked up her book flattening the pages best she could before closing it and heading to breakfast.

She headed down and saw her father placing food on the table and thanked him as she sat and questioned about the night before. He simply talked around the question before informing her she would be needing to head to Diagon Ally to get some more new books because some of the lesson plans had been changed around and pushing across a small package of coins and list of books over to her.
She frowned picking up the list of books as she ate and frowned, " But you hate that book?" She said between mouthfuls earning an eyeroll and nod.
"I do." Was her only reply from the father and she gave a confused sigh,
" Earlier I buy the quicker I can fix the instructions right?" She said with a small smile and looked up at her father to see the edge of his lips tug into a barely there smirk.

She went to Diagon alley small pouch of coins in her pocket and headed towards the book store buying the new books she needed, defense and Potions, before wandering slightly and looking to see Harry, Ron and Hermione giving a small wave to the later who nodded and smiled in return before she headed towards the Weasleys store with a grin looking around the store happily jumping as the two twins appeared at her shoulders.
"Well if it isn't one of our favourite chameleon-" "-and in her natural state!" The twins spoke and she turned around with a laugh.
" And here I thought I was smart and no one knew." She said with a grin looking up at them in surprise.
"Oh you're smart," - " But were smarter," - "Were the only students to know." They informed her and she nodded in agreement.
" Well Tricksters What should I buy here? I have a bag of coin and wheres better to spend it." She said simply, " Can't let the Weasley Twins reign of tricks at Hogwarts stop just because.theyre not there." She said lightly.
They grinned and turned her around guiding her around the store piling items into her arms and explaining their uses in quick voices as she nodded and counted the price up in her head and continued to laugh with the pair.

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