Chapter 6

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Nahh still the same hood rat, broke ass, bummy teen" Micah chuckles

"Yeah aight" jack laughs, "You're living in a nice ass house and it doesn't look like you're struggling"

"This shit isn't mine" Micah reminds him

"It could be though" jack says, "Micah imma be honest. You're a fucking hood rat. You're ghetto as shit and you've had a hard life. But honestly, out of everyone I know, I really believe you could make it big. You're smart as fuck and you have talent. Deadass you could be a athlete or a lawyer or some shit. If I were you I'd try and move here full time and stay out of trouble. I mean I wanna hang out with you but come on dude you're smart as fuck. You don't like to show it but seriously, you really can be something. Why don't you?"

"I dunno" Micah answers, "I feel like i won't fit in since I'm from the ghetto you know?"

"On some real shit, it Doesn't matter where you came from. What matters is where you're going. It's corny as hell but come on Bro it's true." Jack points out

"Look I know I'm not the only on who feels this way. Tori's mom makes good ass money but when she lived with her dad she struggled and her dad spent his check so they didn't have much. But her mom made sure she had enough money to get food. They have some nice ass shit but back in LA her dad stole from her mom and they were broke as fuck because of him. That's how I know her. We related to each other and just grew up together. her mom got out of the environment and she's thriving. She's always worked hard for what she wants. I know I should try to be like that but I don't fit in. Tori feels the same way. She's smart as hell and she's tried hard to get a good education. She's tried to be in honors and she doesn't fit in. We both don't fit in. It won't work Jack." Micah explains

"Then keep to yourself. Fuck what everyone else is doing. Focus on you. You guys don't have to be thieves or hood rats or whatever. You two can actually do something. You're not on this earth to do what everyone else does and you should know that Micah." Jack tells him, "You don't gotta prove shit to those smart ass fools."

"I know" he sighs

"That shit pisses me off. Do you know what I'd give to just be a little fucking smart and at least get one A or B on something? You two have the brains. Do something. You're a good ass dealer and thief but you're smart so fuck outta here and do something with yourself. You can have all this and more dude." Jack huffs

Honestly what jacks saying is true. Micah used to be so ghetto and basically how he just described himself. He used to be the boy every parent warned their daughters about. You know, the kid every adult called a hood rat who also caught the girls attention, he's the dude guys either respected and hung out with or was jealous of and hated.

He was always and is still respectful to girls but always fighting with guys and stealing, dealing and basically getting into trouble. But When he wants to he can clean up good. Honestly he's amazing boyfriend material but he doesn't wanna date anyone. If you're sick he wants to do what he can to make you better. He'll clean and do chores, bring you food and he has a really kind heart. But of course, he never Showed his friends that.

Micah always cared for me and my family and his mom since we were little. He hasn't really dated anyone since we broke up but I think he's just waiting for the right person you know? But since he came to live with me, he's changed. He's not the hood rat troublemaker who's always running from police and out till 5am I used to know.

When we dated he definitely calmed down and since he's lived with me he's calmed down. But he mostly stole and did deals to help his mom out. He did what he had to do to get things quickly. Of course it doesn't mean it's right to do that it's what he did. I just wish he would do something other than wanna cause trouble or something. He can be something way better. Literally, he can do whatever he wants to do. Honestly I should probably take jacks advice too..

"Aight I know I know hop off my dick man" Micah sighs

"Do some shit then" Jack grumbles, "Don't be a bum."

"Yeah whatever" Micah says, "You want the weed?"

"Yeah lemme look at it then tell me how you've been feeling so I know for sure if it's acid." Jack explains


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