How bizzare - Jotakak (3)

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They'll meet up again at Jotaro's house this time. Things are gonna be fun. Funner than 'Oh! That's a baseball!'

Author's note:
My upload schedule is WACK. MY WORKS ARE WACK. But anyway, hope u guys have a great day today! 💕
Jotaro's POV

"I-i missed you too, Jotaro!" His voice resonates and repeats in my head. At that moment, it felt like the world has stopped moving; like time had just stopped and everything that was left was us. Just me and Kakyoin. Smiling and hugging each other.

Then someone just had to ruin it. That freaking bastard.

I'll kill him for ruining our scene..our moment..our opportunity together to go beyond further than 'friends'.

I bite my lip at the thought. I want to feel him again. His soft hair and his warm and cute body. I want to see him more. His glimmering eyes and bright smile. Damn... He really is perfect... My amazing Kakyoin...

I grit my teeth and smirk. "I will have him.. one way or precious Kakyoin..." I whisper to myself.

Suddenly, I hear a ring. Briiiing..briiiing! I quickly pick my phone from my pocket and see that the call is from an unknown caller. I answer with a "Yes? This is Jotaro Kujo speaking." The other side responds with a "Hello again, Jotaro!" In such a sweet and calm voice.

Well, speak of the devil.

"Kakyoin..! Good morning" I greet him.

"Good morning to you too,Jotaro! How are you?" He asks.

"I'm better now that I could hear your voice again."—Is what I could have said but no, I can't be too obvious.

"I'm pretty good, you?" I respond. Even though I wanted the first option better.

"I'm great, thanks for asking" he answers gleefully.

After that, he had a pretty long conversation about our current lives and how things were going. Then, it ended up with us talking about our plans for the day, which isn't that uncommon.

"So, Jotaro, do you want to do anything today?" He questions me.

I want to see you. To kiss you. To take you in my arms again. To fuck-

"You. I MEAN, you choose, Kakyoin! I don't have any plans for today anyways" I awkwardly retort and cough off. I messed up bad. Shit.

"U-uhm how about we go to the movies?"


"The one near your house?"

"Oh yeah" I facepalm, dammit I'm so stupid

"I'll buy the drinks for us, Jotaro so you won't have to worry" He reassures me.

He's so thoughtful and kind...It's cute. He's going to be the death of me.

"S-sure thing. I'll buy the Kakyoin, Pop- I MEAN- I'll buy the Popcorn, Kakyoin" I stutter out. Damn, how can he turn me into such a mess?!

Then, he starts giggling in such an adorable way. This man's going to drive me crazy!

We then proceeded to plan our outing together. Today's going to be amazing...

*le timeskip brought to you by Diavolo*
**Diavolo is a bitch, he skipped the good part**

"Hey, Kakyoin, it's pretty late.." He looked at his watch to check. It was 9:30pm. "You should stay over for the night. Your house is pretty far from here right?" I try to convince him.

"No need Jotaro! I'll be fine on my own!" He tries to tell me otherwise. "I'm an adult already!" He adds, childishly

"But, there are robbers out here. I promise you." I partially lie. I mean, there are but they aren't common. "I don't want you to in danger, not this time"

His face slightly reddens at the words. How cute. "F-fine but only this once"

"Great" I say and begin to enter my house with Kakyoin following suite.

Kakyoin's POV

I'm going to have a sleepover at Jotaro's house.....YESSSS!!! I think, slightly dancing about.

Jotaro then looks back at me, stifling a laugh. I turn away,embarrassed.

He shows me the guest room and goes to cook dinner. I go with him, since I do know how to cook a lot of different dishes.

"Oh, Kakyoin, why are you here?" He inquires me. "I'll help you with the cooking, if you don't mind" I say back. "Only if you want to.."

"Of course I want to!" I respond while walking closer to the kitchen counter and tying a bit of my hair back, leaving my hair noodle out. I then begin grabbing eggs and butter from the refrigerator. Jotaro sits down on the bar stool and just stares at me. I can feel my face getting a bit red. I hope he doesn't notice.

"Are you gonna just sit there and watch me cook?" I turn back to him while mixing a few ingredients in a bowl. "Maybe.." he says sheepishly while turning his head slightly away. He's so adorable!

*Cue cute cooking montage*

Jotaro looked surprised when he tasted my cooking. "This is amazing, Kakyoin!" He complimented me. "T-thanks a lot" I thank him. But really, he's more amazing than I am. We continue eating in peace until we finish. Then, Jotaro washed the dishes and went to his room.

I went to mine and suddenly realized that I had no clothes with me to wear as sleepwear. Should I ask him for some? But, it's too embarrassing! Damn, how will I fix this?!

Then, as if my prayers had been answered, Jotaro opened the door and handed me his smaller clothes for me to wear. We said our good night's and he went off to sleep.

"J-Jotaro's clothes..I'm wearing them.." I couldn't believe it! They were still a bit big on me...The sleeves reached the tip of my thumb rather than my wrist. The pants were a bit long too. But, other than that, they are pretty comfortable!

Soon, I ponder. If I wear his clothes when we wake and eat breakfast, if he sees me he might like it and even do something like- WAIT NO.I slap myself slightly multiple times, feeling my face burning up.

I shouldn't be thinking things like this!

I soon brushed it off and went to sleep. I laid down on the soft bed and pillows. I took one and embraced it tightly. I still remember the time when we first hugged in Egypt. It was quick but I enjoyed it. I can still feel his warmth when he hugged me yesterday. Then, my thoughts start to drift away and I soon fell into a deep slumber.

<To be continued==