The Dreadful Day... || GioMis (1)

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On his most hated days of the year, Mista unexpectedly meets someone who turns his day around for the better..

(This is set in an modern AU & Semi-standless AU)((Like, they have their powers but they don't need the physical manifestation? They just have the powers of their stand))

Request by yolo-suicidebomb


Mista's POV

I wake up to the ringing of my damn phone. Great. What a perfect way to wake up. I see the caller's name is Bruno. I put it to my ear and greet him groggily, "Good morning, Mister Buccellati." The other side responds with a— "Ah, buon giorno, Mista! How's your morning? Well, I have an errand I want you to do." I internally groan at that.

"You have to get some Ciabatta and Rosemary Foccacia from R. Nero's Bakery and bring them to me. It's for Fugo's class." I reluctantly accept. "Sure thing, Buccellati" Then, I hang up.

What perfect timing. Why am I going out of the house on APRIL 4?! That would make it 4/4/xx! Sir Bruno is just trying to "make me conquer my fears" of that damned number. You see, when I was a little boy, my old friend found a-

My thoughts/fourth- I mean, wall breaking were cut off when I heard the ever so annoying screeching of my 6 pet birds. "TWIIIIIIITA" "TWIIITA!" "Twistaaaaa!" They all chirp. I guess they're hungry now. "Stai zitto! (Shut up!) I'll get your damn berries,alright?" They respond with a slight coo-ing sound. I put on some pants and a shirt then make a beeline straight to the kitchen. I grab the cranberries I had in my fridge. Damn golden orioles.

I feed them the cranberries and soon get showered. I wear my usual sweater and hat. I say goodbye to my pets and get to my car. The sooner I get this over with, the sooner I get to sleep again.

**Smol time skip brought to you by Salami**

"AAAAAGGH! Traffico stradale?! (Road traffic?!) This is exactly why I don't go out on April 4s..." I aggravatedly say to myself. I'm stuck in a standstill traffic due to an accident on the road. Apparently, someone was shot near the road and the killer got hit by a car when he was approaching their victim. Yep, this day is definitely cursed.

**Time skip to when he got to R.Nero's bakery**

Finally..I got out of that hellhole. It took me about 3 hours to get here. Del cazzo 4! (Fucking 4!) I mentally curse. I enter the bakery and the first thing I see was the head baker smooching a weird blue-haired man. I froze on the spot and the blue-haired guy saw me and he flusteredly said something to the head baker and dashed out. Well, this is going to be awkward.

<To be continued==